
Archive for October, 2007

Another full day

October 18th, 2007 No comments
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Protected: That didn’t take long.

October 17th, 2007 Enter your password to view comments.

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October 17th, 2007 4 comments

Got four Jayne hats out the door yesterday, so I’ll call that productive. Also got in an infinitessimal amount of earflap red, the color I’m lowest on, so production hasn’t completely ground to a halt. Next up are Washington, Australia, Indiana, then several for one person going to several locations. At that point, we’ll be into the orders that were placed on the 10th of September. I do not like being a week behind – this is the first time this has happened since Wear With Style opened. Grr.

However, on the up side, I’ve gotten to work on some non-orange orders. Also, since asked if I could get better quality photos of some of my work, I experimented with a setup that looks a little more professional. Until I get around to building a light box, I guess this’ll do. The trouble with getting good photos for is that most of the stuff I make goes right out the door as soon as it’s done, so I can’t really call it back for a photo shoot. I’ll try to make a better effort in the future, though, since clearly there’s some utility to having nice pics of these things.

In other news, Lamb’s Pride Red Baron is a pretty dead match for Pantone 200, which is the official red of UGA, University of Arkansas, Ohio State, the University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey, and many other colleges around the country. Sports fan knitters, take note!

While Jayne hats are obviously the main thing I’m working on, I have to occasionally stop and knit something else or I go crazy. So here’s another pattern repeat on the Vinnland socks. I’m really liking the way these are turning out. I’m going to bring them in a little after turning the heel, since my wide feet do not have wide ankles and legs attached to them.

This morning is Couch to 5k, this afternoon is our first Brownie meeting of the year, tonight is the weekly stitch night at Books-A-Million,and of course, there are many Jayne hats to knit in between these activities. All in all, this will be a full day. Time to launch into it!

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History of Halloween

October 15th, 2007 10 comments

We’ve been asking Emily for about a month what she wants to be for Halloween. Finally, this week she settled on a costume.

For a few years, she wanted to be a pig. I got pink leggings and a pink turtleneck, sewed a piece of velcro to a pink pipe cleaner for a tail, and cut out and glued pink foam ears to a headband. I also made a snout with a piece of elastic. I have pics, but I can’t dig them up. She was too sick to go trick-or-treating that year.

The next year, she wanted to be a cat. I got black leggings and a shirt and used fusible interfacing to adhere white felt to the front. I took a piece of cording and encased it in black T-shirt material and sewed it to the seat of her pants for a tail. Unfortunately, she was too sick to trick-or-treat again. Talk about bad luck.

One year she wanted to be Jo Jo the clown. That required a trip to the Disney store.

One year, she wanted to be a princess, a decision she made on Halloween evening, requiring me to McGyver together various pink and purple bits of fluff into a costume.

This year? Well, this year she is fascinated with ghosts and vampires and such, and she remembered watching Charlie Brown.

Find a worn-out white sheet in the closet. Cut out the elastic, since it’s a fitted sheet. Snip out two eye holes.

Easiest. Costume. Ever.

Thank you, parenting gods, for smiling upon me this year!

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October 14th, 2007 No comments

How much of a sleep deficit was I running? I went to bed late on Saturday after staying up to do Jayne stuff… and didn’t wake up until noon on Sunday. And that was only because the phone rang. Ah, bliss.

In spite of the shortness of it, it was a productive day. Stamped up more boxes, wrote more Jayne notes, ripped out an unsatisfactory Jayne hat in untraditional colors and pattern and reworked it so it looks… pretty darned good, if I do say so myself. (, I did get your mail, I’ll take pics of it and a few other things for you hopefully tomorrow.) Did dishes, laundry, picked up long pants in school uniform colors for Emily since the weather’s cooling down. I found the pajamas to the left while shopping for the uniform and just had to buy them. When Emily saw them, she immediately shucked her clothes and climbed in. I hope she’s not sweating too much in bed.

I’m off to bed now, too, to try to stay caught up on my sleep. Y’all have a good night!

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Didn’t go to the movies…

October 13th, 2007 34 comments

…brought the movies to me.

I suddenly got a craving to see one of my favorite movies of all time, The Lion in Winter. I figured I should actually own it. What luck – Borders had a copy for $15. Emily didn’t go to occupational therapy today because she was visiting her grandparents, so that’s Jayne hat money just burnin’ a hole in my pocket!

So I didn’t go to the movies. I stayed in and watched O’Toole and Hepburn, ate grocery store sushi, and boxed up Jayne hats. Yay!

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Now showing…

October 13th, 2007 10 comments

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Tvini the lobster girl

October 12th, 2007 2 comments

I’m sweating like I’ve been locked in a sauna.

A sauna on the surface of the sun.

Apparently, when it’s 58 degrees F, it’s too hot to run in sweatpants and a sweatshirt. I need a better solution for cool weather.

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This weekend

October 12th, 2007 6 comments

My husband is taking our daughter to visit her grandparents this weekend, so I’ll be footloose and fancy free! Sadly, these days “footloose and fancy free” generally translates to “eat pancakes and sleep in.”

One thing I’ll be doing is a knit-in at The Levine Museum of the New South from noon to two for the Charlotte Folk Society 25th anniversary. Turtlegirl76 and funfairiegirl will be there during that time as well. We’ll have our spinning wheels, too, so if you’re in Charlotte and you want to try your hand at knitting or spinning, come on down. There’ll also be singing and dancing and such, and I think you can check The Charlotte Folk Society’s webpage for a schedule.

After falling behind in my Jayne hat estimates, I’m knitting like the wind to get caught back up. We’re getting there!

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horses, cigarettes, and Jayne kits

October 11th, 2007 No comments

Emily told us this morning that she would like a horse from her aunt’s stables. She’d keep the horse in the back yard and bring it inside when it rains. She was laughing as she said this – even she recognizes the impracticality of this plan. It’s still better than her first plan, which was to keep the horse in the washing machine.

Emily has discovered Looney Tunes. We have a box set which she’s enjoying greatly. I’m sure half of these jokes don’t mean anything to her, but then, a lot of these were geared towards adults anyway. The rest, though, she gets. She thinks it’s just delicious how naughty and bad these folks are.

“He shouldn’t go in a mine shaft! Why not?” she’ll ask us, squealing with delight. She knows, she just wants to involve us in the madcap zaniness. They sure don’t show stuff like this on TV anymore. I doubt you’ll find Dora the Explorer with a cigarette dangling from her lips, but the cartoon above showed Bugs rolling one.

Speaking of cigarettes, we were outside at Starbucks yesterday, and someone sat down near us and was about to light one up. I had to put away my Jayne hat knitting because I didn’t want it to smell like smoke, and I think Emily took that as the signal we were going to leave. I told her, “I’m glad we’re leaving, that lady was about to light a cigarette and I don’t like the smell of the smoke.” “What’s a cigarette?” Emily asked. I hadn’t really thought about it, but I guess nobody in her life smokes. Well, good! We had a conversation and then let it drop. I’m not worried about it. The kid won’t eat cinnamon toast if I tell her I put extra cinnamon on it, she’s not going to start experimenting with tobacco.

I took a week off of the couch to 5k program because I was feeling under the weather. I did, however, start back up. Go me! Today will be day two of getting back on the horse.

Hey, look, I brought it all back around to horses again! I’m queen of the segue!

I’m going to pack up and mail a kit, go run, then arrange for more red yarn. This is the last kit for a while. I’ve had to discontinue the kits until I can get more so that I don’t short my finished hat clients. This shall not stand – I want a chicken in every pot and a Jayne hat on every head!

A big shout-out to my fiber godmother, who has sent me TWO cards in the mail. You’re a sweetie! Thanks!

Y’all have a good day!

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