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horses, cigarettes, and Jayne kits

October 11th, 2007 Leave a comment Go to comments

Emily told us this morning that she would like a horse from her aunt’s stables. She’d keep the horse in the back yard and bring it inside when it rains. She was laughing as she said this – even she recognizes the impracticality of this plan. It’s still better than her first plan, which was to keep the horse in the washing machine.

Emily has discovered Looney Tunes. We have a box set which she’s enjoying greatly. I’m sure half of these jokes don’t mean anything to her, but then, a lot of these were geared towards adults anyway. The rest, though, she gets. She thinks it’s just delicious how naughty and bad these folks are.

“He shouldn’t go in a mine shaft! Why not?” she’ll ask us, squealing with delight. She knows, she just wants to involve us in the madcap zaniness. They sure don’t show stuff like this on TV anymore. I doubt you’ll find Dora the Explorer with a cigarette dangling from her lips, but the cartoon above showed Bugs rolling one.

Speaking of cigarettes, we were outside at Starbucks yesterday, and someone sat down near us and was about to light one up. I had to put away my Jayne hat knitting because I didn’t want it to smell like smoke, and I think Emily took that as the signal we were going to leave. I told her, “I’m glad we’re leaving, that lady was about to light a cigarette and I don’t like the smell of the smoke.” “What’s a cigarette?” Emily asked. I hadn’t really thought about it, but I guess nobody in her life smokes. Well, good! We had a conversation and then let it drop. I’m not worried about it. The kid won’t eat cinnamon toast if I tell her I put extra cinnamon on it, she’s not going to start experimenting with tobacco.

I took a week off of the couch to 5k program because I was feeling under the weather. I did, however, start back up. Go me! Today will be day two of getting back on the horse.

Hey, look, I brought it all back around to horses again! I’m queen of the segue!

I’m going to pack up and mail a kit, go run, then arrange for more red yarn. This is the last kit for a while. I’ve had to discontinue the kits until I can get more so that I don’t short my finished hat clients. This shall not stand – I want a chicken in every pot and a Jayne hat on every head!

A big shout-out to my fiber godmother, who has sent me TWO cards in the mail. You’re a sweetie! Thanks!

Y’all have a good day!

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