
Archive for January, 2011

Happy birthday, Dad!

January 30th, 2011 No comments

Hill familyEvery year for my father’s birthday, some friends throw him a little birthday dinner. It’s nothing too outrageous, just a gathering of about eight to ten friends to wish him well and have a meal and some cake. This year, things took a little turn.

My father and uncle were chatting, and my uncle apparently decided to come as well, even though it’s quite a drive. My father mentioned to another uncle that this was happening, and one thing led to another, and somehow it turned into a combination flash mob and family reunion. When I showed up at the restaurant, in addition to friends, there were cousins and second cousins and uncles and aunts involved, most of whom are pictured to the right.

It was a delightful surprise. I wasn’t expecting all that, and Dad wasn’t either. It was great to see family who we hadn’t seen in years. What a wonderful way to turn 75 39 years old.

My father is a very generous, funny, kind man, and it is utterly unsurprising that he has so many people who care so much about him. It was nice that he got to be reminded of that for his birthday.

I love you, Dad! Happy birthday!


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January 30th, 2011 1 comment

I ran a pair of my handmade handdyed socks through the washing machine. They were fine when they went in, but one of them came out like this.

ripped sock heel 1

ripped sock heel 2

This was my sturdiest, favorite pair. They’d held up well over the last couple of years. Sigh. I have a huge backlog of socks to darn, too – I’m murder on heels.

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FO: A’s crazy socks

January 29th, 2011 1 comment


FO: A’s Crazy Socks
Pattern: Honeycomb Socks from Charlene Schurch’s Little Box of Socks
Yarn: Louet Gems Sport in Teal, Crabapple, White, and Violet
Needles: US #2 / 2.75mm
Size: Women’s L
Ravelry Project Page

Notes: If these look a little big on me, it’s because they are. These aren’t for me, though, they’re for my niece A. I don’t know if you remember this post from 2006, but A is the young lady sitting to the right in the picture. I taught her to knit in 2005 when she was 13 and she has stuck with it. I am so very proud. Anyway, my sister-in-law came to me this Fall and asked me to make some crazy socks for the young lady. Stripes, polka dots, lots of colors. That’s how my niece rolls.

My sister-in-law very paid me to make these, so they really are a gift from her to her daughter. And she wisely asked me well in advance of Christmas so I’d have plenty of time to get these ready. Really, she was very on the ball – it was me who fell down on the job. Life got a lot more busy than I thought it would this Fall and I didn’t have them done in time.

All was not lost, however, as A’s birthday is early next week, and they should be in my sister-in-law’s hands by now for her to pass on as a birthday gift. While my niece hasn’t received the socks yet, I think it’s safe to post here – I feel certain she doesn’t read my blog.
A sock inside
These have a 60 stitch caston, but I am such a loose knitter that they’re still a little loose on me. That’s good, though, as my niece wears about a size and a half larger shoe than I do. These should be spot on. In the pic at left with one cuff turned down, you can see the ingenious way that the spots are created. It’s just a solid stripe of color, but you slip a couple of stitches from the previous color band, which brings them across the stripe and makes it look like you’re changing colors. It’s a neat little cheat that is faster than Fair Isle – at least for me.

You’ll also note that for time’s sake, I opted not to mess with a jogless join for the color changes. Instead, I made sure they were both on opposite sides, so she can choose to wear them with the color jogs facing in and hide them, if it’s an issue for her.

I enjoyed knitting these. And I’ve got plenty of Gems left, so I could make them again for myself or someone else in my life in a variation on these same colors. They went pretty quickly when I actually found time to work on them.

I don’t normally do socks for hire, but as I mentioned, A is a knitter, so I’m glad to be able to knit for her. Nobody appreciates crafts like another crafter. I hope she enjoys these. She’s a charming young woman and I wish her a very happy birthday.

2010 crazy sock

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January 24th, 2011 2 comments

Hey, guess what? D&D starts back up again tomorrow! Guess I really should post some more updates from 2009, eh?

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