
Archive for September 27th, 2006

Brioche stitch how-to

September 27th, 2006 8 comments

It was difficult for me to visualize brioche from reading about it, so I thought it would be helpful to see it broken down into its components.

pics below the cut.

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Pics are back!

September 27th, 2006 4 comments

A few days ago, we had some server issues, namely our server dying a grisly death. My miracle man saved all the content, but I was without the ability to upload pics for a while. But everything’s hunky dorey again, so I can now show you pretty pictures again! yay!

Let’s start with that brioche hat that gave me fits last week. She be done, and now all can marvel! The original and the new, side by side.

The cast-on isn’t as tight, and the Lamb’s Pride Burly Spun has more loft than whatever they were using for the mass-produced original. However, it has the same gauge, same number of ribs, same length (honest!) and feels the same when worn, aside from that super-tight cast-on. Cozy! And I’ve got half a ball of Burly Spun left.

The pattern was this (and I may be mis-writing the extra stitch, because this is already fading from my mind):

On straight #13s, co 49 stitches. I used longtail cast-on.
Row 1: k1, *yo, wyifk2tog*over row.
Row 2: *wyif sl1, k2tog* over row, knit final stitch normally.
Row 3: sl1, *wyif sl1, k2tog* over row.
Repeat rows 2 and 3 until hat is 7 inches long. This only took me 18 rows, including cast-on.

For decreases, the first row was a *sl1, wyib k2tog* and then two rows of *k2tog*. The decreases could probably be improved on since they look a little different than the rest of the hat, but it seems like an acceptable design element. Other decreases in rib looked uneven, to me.

Basically, it’s just a regular ole brioche stitch, where you’re slipping one purlwise, then with the yarn still in front, knitting two together. The only differences were that my cast-on on the first version was too holey, so instead of the usual setup round (which would be co 36, *yo, k1* I launched into the pattern immediately, which made it slightly less airy. Also, since I had to seam it up, I stuck the extra knit/slipped stitch at the end to give me a little more to latch on to.

Many thanks to the members of who were so helpful with their advice. I’m pleased with how this turned out, and hope it’ll keep the guy warm and stylish schussing down the slopes!

Crossposted to and my own journal.

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