
Archive for September, 2006

Are you there, God? It’s me, Tvini.

September 13th, 2006 8 comments

Hi, Jesus! Long time no see!

You remember that thing you did a while back with the loaves and fishes? Do you do that with yarn? Because I’m getting awfully close to the end, and I bought this yarn a long time ago so I don’t know if I can get more in the same dye lot, and I’m really nervous about how tight this is going to be.

If you could just kind of make about 20 more yards appear at the end of my skein, that’d be great. Ten yards, even, I don’t want to be greedy.

Thanks for your consideration,

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September 12th, 2006 16 comments

Yesterday I wove in ends on Branching Out from Knitty. It’ll still need to be blocked. Blocking will give it a little length, but it’s meant to be shortish. However, the person it’s going to is also short, so it all works out just fine. Will post pics when it’s been blocked to its final glory.

In an effort to get a little of my hat-knitter cred back, I worked on Shedir (also from Knitty) and have started the decreases for the crown. This is a great pattern. It’s not exactly mindless knitting, at least for me, but it does only use one ball of Rowan Calmer, and it feels very soft and springy. It’s designed as a chemo cap, but my only friend in chemo no longer needs a scalp-hugger. Now, see, , if you weren’t so inconsiderate as to regrow your own hair, I might have given this to you. Instead, I think I’ll keep it. Nyah.

I may finish this hat tonight, and start back up with commission work tomorrow. The Sci-Fi network is running a Firefly marathon on Monday, Sept 18th, which may mean a little uptick in orders. Got to be fresh for more Jayney goodness!


September 11th, 2006 24 comments

Best use of new technology for revamped Star Trek: TOS? Digitally erasing the sound of Gene Roddenberry spinning in his grave!


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brioche stitch insanity

September 10th, 2006 4 comments
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Buried treasure.

September 10th, 2006 2 comments

Last week, my daughter was playing in a gigantic puddle that forms beside our driveway whenever it rains. She suddenly stopped and looked down, saying, “What is this?”

It was a car key. But it wasn’t a key to my car or my husband’s, or the cars we had before these. It may have fit my old sky-blue Mercury Lynx, or the old Ford Fairmont Futura affectionately nicknamed “The Tank” I had in high school and college. Or it may have been a key to one of my parents’ cars. I tend to think it looks like one of mine, but why I think that, I have no idea.

The key must have been dropped by the driveway at least 12 years ago and buried over time. This week, I imagine the rains uncovered it for my daughter’s alert eyes to spot, even though it had weathered to the same shade as our red Carolina clay.

It makes me wonder what other things thought lost may turn up again.

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That’s IT!

September 7th, 2006 10 comments

NOBODY have any more babies! I’m three babies behind now!

You’ll all get teeny tiny Jayne hats, and you’ll like it!

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Just testing, mind you!

September 4th, 2006 10 comments

Coconut Cream Pie

“Emily, that pie’s for Grandpa.”
(Pulls back her finger, which has made a little dent in the meringue) “Okay.”
“How is it?”
“It’s good!”

Less than five minutes later, she pads into the kitchen again, and I hear her stop right in front of the pie.

“Emily, what are you doing?”
“I’m just testing to see if it’s still hot.” (She knows it’s not.)
“Oh, you are, are you?”

So I scrape her off a little sliver of meringue, which she eats.
“I’d better test another place.”
I scrape off another small piece. “That’s all we’re going to have.”
(Walking away) “Yep, it’s cool enough.”

Heh. I’d better get the pie in the fridge. The temptation is just too much.

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September 2nd, 2006 2 comments

This morning I took my daughter to the 17th annual Hurricane Hugo Flying Objects Juggling Festival in Davidson. A good time was had by all.

We played catch with a tennis ball, and I only got beaned once. The kiddo got to try spinning a plate, which she did pretty well at. If vaudeville comes back, she’s set.

We stopped by an ice cream parlor in Huntersville on the way home for a little treat. All that juggling is hard work!

Weather was beautiful, wish you were here!

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