
Archive for March, 2005

Rawrr redux.

March 21st, 2005 2 comments

Well, I had another order for a dinosaur hat. This one’s for a baby, so I’m doing it in Brown Sheep cotton fleece so it will be a) less itchy to a bald head, and b) washable in warm water. While I was there, I got to talking with the owner of the store. She loves the pic of the hat, and wants to talk about carry it and the Patrick angel hat as patterns in her store. I’m thinkin’ it over.

It goes to show a little known fact: Geeks are trendsetters. Dragonrealms geeks are bigger trendsetters. DR babies are the biggest trendsetters of all.

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Sad animal story.

March 21st, 2005 6 comments
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Ribbon scarf

March 17th, 2005 2 comments

After I got the dinosaur hat off my plate, I was able to complete a scarf that was going to be for that was *this* close to being done. It only needed three more rows and some fringe.

Here it is. It’s long and funky; it hangs down to my knees. Unfortunately, the pic doesn’t show the sheen of the ribbon yarn.

This pic shows the sheen, but a little too much. The yarn is Colinette Giotto, which is matte on one half along the length and shiny on the other half. Picture it as being almost as shiny as picture two. Here’s a closeup to better show the structure.

This is a nice handpainted yarn, and rather expensive. I knew I wanted to try knitting with it because it looks so nice on the skein. A nice open scarf seemed ideal.

Overall, when I was mostly done, it just confirmed what I already knew – I prefer to work with wool and other animal fibers. It’s just easier on the fingers, as it has more elasticity.

On to other half-finished projects – knitting and otherwise.

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March 17th, 2005 4 comments

Because I couldn’t let Auriane‘s little boy be the only one with no hat, I felt compelled to make one for him to send along with the au pair’s. And so, a brand new original Tvini design… the dinosaur hat!

It looks kind of funky on the head because it’s really too small for an adult. I’m hoping it’ll be big enough for this kid. Keep your fingers crossed.

I think I’ll definitely have to make some for the site. And maybe for me. Raawwwwrrrrrr!

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March 15th, 2005 6 comments

Met with my daughter’s regular teacher and resources teacher this morning (the rest of her “dream team” was out of school for various reasons) about getting her retested. She went through a pretty substantial battery of tests three years ago, and according to school system rules, it’s time for another.

Even though her resources teacher (someone separate from the classroom who helps her meet her Individual Educational Plan [IEP] goals) assures me that Emily will not have her services cut as a result of this testing, I cannot help but worry. She does better on cut and dry concrete questions than on abstract – “what” as opposed to “why” as it were. What if she has a spectacular day and tests very well? What if she’s talking up a storm and her speech therapy gets cut?

The resources teacher tells me that she doesn’t think there’s any way that can happen, which is both reassuring and saddening. Reassuring because I know in my heart that she needs the extra help and will not thrive in a regular classroom without it, and I want her to have that help. Saddening because it’s a professional saying, “there’s no way your daughter can test well enough to make people think she’s normal.”

There’s a difference between having a thought and hearing it spoken aloud. And I guess somewhere deep down, I harbor the even more secret hope that she might pass for “normal” someday. I don’t like having that hope shot down.

Any mother will tell you that it is not melodramatic to say these meetings are a knife through my heart.

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Vaeldriil’s hat

March 14th, 2005 4 comments

Vaeldriil‘s baby’s hat and booties have arrived, and so now I may share picture.

Here they be. The yarn is 70% angora, 30% lambswool, so it’s pretty darned soft and fuzzy.

And here be the pattern for the hat, by yours truly, if anybody wants to give it a go. It is thoughtfully placed behind a cut since most of you either saw it in the knitting community or don’t give a rat’s ass about knitting.

Copyright me, blah blah, don’t use it for profit without askin’ me first, please – especially because I may offer these for sale on my site at if Vaeldriil doesn’t mind having her baby be a trendsetter.

Patrick’s Angel baby hat pattern

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Cribbed from aunt_reexy

March 13th, 2005 No comments

Interestingly, I actually had a dead tie between Buddhism and Islam, with a tiebreaker question I really didn’t have much of a preference about. Hmm.

You scored as Islam. Your beliefs are most similar to those of Islam. Do more research on Islam and possibly consider taking the shahadah and officially becoming a Muslim, if you aren’t already.

Despite the actions of some – who go against the teachings of Islam – Islam is a religion of peace; the word “islam” means “peace through submission to God.” “Muslim” means “one who submits to God.” Islam is the third of the three Abrahamic faiths, and it shares much with Judaism in Christianity; its differences are the acceptance of Muhammad as the last and final prophet, and the oneness of God – in other words, that Jesus, though he was a revered prophet, was not in fact God, and only one God exists. Apparently the Taliban could not read (though their name means “students”), because the Qur’an states that men and women are equal as believers, and that all believers should be educated and seek knowledge. Modesty in dress and behavior is required in Islam for both men and women to preserve the values of society and move the emphasis from superificial appearance to intelligence, knowledge, and God.



















Which religion is the right one for you? (new version)
created with

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LJ Drama generator – cribbed from mintyduck!

March 12th, 2005 4 comments

I went to gaming group with tyrathia and arfn this morning but my character got killed TWICE :-(. I’m never gaming with them again!

dad was totally unfair to me the other day and now I’m grounded :-(.

And also seviya went around saying how they saw me dissing on cadetstar. Don’t let me hear about that again or they gonna be hurtin!

Oh yeah. laurilana said they wanted to go to a concert but they didn’t show up :-(.

What sucks is that gm_ilanya told me that blasword told aunt_reexy that I got caught talking to blaueteufelin and backstabbing gmsashera. What a crock! And yeah. You might guess I don’t give a flying f*** what they think anymore. I’m over that.  

This entry automatically generated by the LJ Drama Generator!

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In other news…

March 11th, 2005 4 comments

…going off antidepressants cold turkey is probably not the smartest thing I’ve ever done. I know I’m think I’m super-strong, “I am woman, hear me roar” and all that, but brain chemistry freakiness is weird and unsettling.

Yesterday I was going out the door and realized my hair was wet and clean. And yet, I had absolutely no memory of having washed it. Also, even though I’m taking extra naps to compensate for the exhaustion side-effect that I had when I first went ON the drugs that has come back (temporarily, let’s hope) I still feel disoriented and strange, like my eyes constantly want to roll up in my head and I should fall over. Today I was driving in my car, crying over a song on the radio. Yeah, we all do that sometimes, but the song was “Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer.” I am not making that up.

I was on it for three years. I’ve been off it a week and a half. This shit is already getting old.

I’ve just this moment searched for info on going off Lexapro cold turkey, and apparently, yeah, it was a stupid idea. I reckon I’ll call the doctor.

Stupid brain, always holdin’ me back.

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One for Auriane.

March 11th, 2005 14 comments

Or rather, her au pair, who so sweetly made her a cake.


I’m thinking I still owe one more hat to her son, because I can’t leave out just one member of the family. I’m thinking green hat with red dinosaur spines on the back. I guess the trick will be figuring out how to keep the spines from curling over on the side and looking kind of… wilted.

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