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In other news…

…going off antidepressants cold turkey is probably not the smartest thing I’ve ever done. I know I’m think I’m super-strong, “I am woman, hear me roar” and all that, but brain chemistry freakiness is weird and unsettling.

Yesterday I was going out the door and realized my hair was wet and clean. And yet, I had absolutely no memory of having washed it. Also, even though I’m taking extra naps to compensate for the exhaustion side-effect that I had when I first went ON the drugs that has come back (temporarily, let’s hope) I still feel disoriented and strange, like my eyes constantly want to roll up in my head and I should fall over. Today I was driving in my car, crying over a song on the radio. Yeah, we all do that sometimes, but the song was “Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer.” I am not making that up.

I was on it for three years. I’ve been off it a week and a half. This shit is already getting old.

I’ve just this moment searched for info on going off Lexapro cold turkey, and apparently, yeah, it was a stupid idea. I reckon I’ll call the doctor.

Stupid brain, always holdin’ me back.

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  1. March 11th, 2005 at 23:26 | #1


  2. March 11th, 2005 at 23:26 | #2


  3. March 12th, 2005 at 04:40 | #3

    Yeah, definitely work it out with the doc. Craig ran out of his medication for a couple days about a year ago and it was like the scariest 24 hours. Was a weird, sobbing wreck. I completely sympathise and hope it works out. :hug:

  4. March 12th, 2005 at 04:40 | #4

    Yeah, definitely work it out with the doc. Craig ran out of his medication for a couple days about a year ago and it was like the scariest 24 hours. Was a weird, sobbing wreck. I completely sympathise and hope it works out. :hug:

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