
Posts Tagged ‘Dragonrealms’

Cleanliness is next to deathliness.

July 31st, 2007 4 comments

[New AGM] Will the apocalypse happen if I (send in the janitor?)
[Tvini] Only one way to find out.
[Adera] Heather has a sense of adventure at 10:30 in the morning!
[New AGM] You’re right. To death and destruction! Or janitoring.
[Tvini] Hee!

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Good day.

July 14th, 2007 6 comments

My husband took my daughter with him to see his folks, because a) it would be unthinkable to visit without the grandchild, and b) I was going crazy. I’ve had a good day. I washed those Tofutsies socks machine-wash warm and hung them to dry, and there was NO pilling. I road-tripped up to Davidson for some much-needed orange yarn and stopped by Summit Coffee for a cuppa joe. I swapped my Season One Buffy DVDs with Turtlegirl76 for her Deadwood Season Three DVDs. Can’t start watching them until the husband gets home, though.

I put on Season Two of Buffy and watched some of those while writing out more Jayne hat notes. I have to finish a hat tonight to stay on schedule – there are a fair number of folks wanting theirs in time for DragonCon and I’m doing my best to accomodate everyone. Since I’ll be at Simucon part of the preceding week, the schedule has to be adhered to.

I also got some QCs and wedding work done for DragonRealms. In working to de-clutter the house, I looked up and realized that I had something pretty large and unnecessary still around. This is the big white board that I used to use to keep track of all the DR weddings. Since we are no longer living in caves and hunting wooly mammoths, the white board has been replaced by various computer spreadsheets. I kind of hate to lose it, just for sentimental reasons.

Speaking of tools, here’s the yarn counter I made last week based on the design from Hello Yarn. Hopefully this will let me measure my kit yarn more precisely – although I’ll still be giving some overage – so I don’t have to raise prices. It’s actually short a component. It needs another silicon bracelet to go around the wheel to help guide the yarn. Right now I have to keep my fingers on one side of the wheel and stop the yarn from falling off. Also, it winds the yarn a little tighter than I’d like, so I wind it twice to take some of the tension off. All part of our quality service!

Note the bracelet I have chosen to use. Very appropriate for a Firefly/feminist operation.

Okay, back to the Jayne mines! Plus, School Hard is up on the Buffy DVDs! Woot!

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Tofutsies and Dragonrealms

June 4th, 2007 20 comments

It occurred to me that since I’m now part of , I should probably put up some actual sock knitting content. I’ve been working on a pair of socks from Tofutsies. I haven’t bothered to remove the lifelines from the first sock. I think it’ll make it easier for me to match up the socks if I use that as my gauge of exactly when to turn the heel on the second one.

These socks are just plain stockinette with a short row heel and 2×2 rib leg. The yarn in these is so busy that working a complex pattern seemed pointless. These socks are taking forever because I only work on them intermittently. That’s fine, it’s not a race. Maybe by Autumn it’ll be done.

In the meantime, it’s Jayne hats and knitting kits nonstop. I updated the reviews page, which is now way too long, so I might have to cut some, much as it pains me. Oh, and a client asked for a “making of” on the Jayne hats, so I sent him some pics and such for his prop replica site. Here it is. Neat, eh?

Had a good time in Dragonrealms this morning. We’re trying to show Plat some extra love this month, so I was there running an event. Very fun! You meet the nicest people in Plat. I think I’ll make an extra effort to run another session this month. It’s very energizing. Or maybe that’s the orange mocha I picked up this morning to be sure I was awake enough for this. I guess if I crash in an hour or so, we’ll know!

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I am easily amused.

June 1st, 2007 6 comments
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When GMs attack.

April 12th, 2007 8 comments

[Jaedren] Hitting the west side of Crossing with the Goblin Horde very shortly.
[Jaedren] Cue: The Drums.
[Tvini] How come it’s always the drums. How come you never hear the fearsome piping of the War Ocarinas?
[Jaedren] proof, please? “The distant rythymic toot of the war ocarinas can be heard coming from the west.”
[Tvini] You’re crazy.
[Jaedren] proof, please? “The distant rythymic beat of drums can be heard coming from the west.”
[Tvini] That looks fine.
[Jaedren] Heh.

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In-game April Fool’s fun

April 2nd, 2007 2 comments
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April Fool’s in Elanthia

April 1st, 2007 12 comments

Ah, April Fool’s. The day when GMs get to trick players in a more open fashion than usual. Piles of un-gettable coins, fake visions… I love it.

Think I’ll cause a little mayhem now.

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January 30th, 2007 2 comments

I can’t believe I scheduled a Dragonrealms event during Heroes last night. I just completely forgot it was on. Fortunately, it’s available for download, but I always prefer to watch these things on TV. Well, the DR event was certainly fun, so I’ll say it was worth it.

Emily has been bringing me her doll periodically over the last few days and reminding me that she needs clothes, which I am working on. Last night she revealed that she can neither play with nor name this doll until she has clothes. I guess she needs to know the doll’s fashion sense before she can determine the name.

I’ve made two pieces for the pants. They’ll be seamed up most of the length to make two tubes, then joined near the top to make the seat and waist. The pattern calls for some elastic to be sewn in. The ribbing at the top is working fine for the panties the doll’s got, so we’ll see if the elastic is necessary for the pants. The yarn is the same brand as the doll, Dale Baby Ull, but held doubled. These will be some thick pants.

I started to seam it up last night, but it wasn’t as neat as I would like. I have a larger project coming up that will require seaming, so I decided to use these clothes as practice, and go ahead and block the pieces and do it properly. So now they’re wetted and pinned and waiting to dry.

I’m going to use the time to finish up a project for the grandchild of someone I know. It’s been 80% finished for more than a week, there’s no reason to let it languish.

Besides – I’ve got Heroes to watch!

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What a great day!

December 3rd, 2006 4 comments
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“Your check, sir… ” Thud.

November 15th, 2006 No comments

Monitoring treasure distribution in Dragonrealms, I see a player find a goblet of Dalesian white wine on a low-level creature.

[Tvini] How did an entire goblet of Dalesian white wine survive a battle intact to be found full on the ground?
[Arnimas] Those Dalesians are reknowned for their durable glass-blowing methods?
[Adera] The critter used to be a waiter?
[Tvini] Hee! Both good answers.

Personally, I like the idea that our goblins moonlight as busboys at the Viper’s Nest Bar. Great visual image.

Off to get the kiddo from school.

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