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Tofutsies and Dragonrealms

It occurred to me that since I’m now part of , I should probably put up some actual sock knitting content. I’ve been working on a pair of socks from Tofutsies. I haven’t bothered to remove the lifelines from the first sock. I think it’ll make it easier for me to match up the socks if I use that as my gauge of exactly when to turn the heel on the second one.

These socks are just plain stockinette with a short row heel and 2×2 rib leg. The yarn in these is so busy that working a complex pattern seemed pointless. These socks are taking forever because I only work on them intermittently. That’s fine, it’s not a race. Maybe by Autumn it’ll be done.

In the meantime, it’s Jayne hats and knitting kits nonstop. I updated the reviews page, which is now way too long, so I might have to cut some, much as it pains me. Oh, and a client asked for a “making of” on the Jayne hats, so I sent him some pics and such for his prop replica site. Here it is. Neat, eh?

Had a good time in Dragonrealms this morning. We’re trying to show Plat some extra love this month, so I was there running an event. Very fun! You meet the nicest people in Plat. I think I’ll make an extra effort to run another session this month. It’s very energizing. Or maybe that’s the orange mocha I picked up this morning to be sure I was awake enough for this. I guess if I crash in an hour or so, we’ll know!

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  1. June 4th, 2007 at 17:11 | #1

    I just got me some tofutsie yarn and cant wait to start it (unfortunately for me, I’m serially monogamous in my knitting, and dont usually have more than one sock project going at a time…)

    yay for toes up!

    I tend to knit both socks at the same time, on two sets of DPN. cast on one sock, cast on the other. go to the heel on one, go to the heel on the other. turn one heel, turn the other.

    means I end up with more matching socks that way, plus I actually finish the pair 😉

  2. June 4th, 2007 at 17:11 | #2

    I just got me some tofutsie yarn and cant wait to start it (unfortunately for me, I’m serially monogamous in my knitting, and dont usually have more than one sock project going at a time…)

    yay for toes up!

    I tend to knit both socks at the same time, on two sets of DPN. cast on one sock, cast on the other. go to the heel on one, go to the heel on the other. turn one heel, turn the other.

    means I end up with more matching socks that way, plus I actually finish the pair 😉

  3. June 4th, 2007 at 17:24 | #3

    Is proby gooder if is bringed lots from turnip for this-tog.

  4. June 4th, 2007 at 17:24 | #4

    Is proby gooder if is bringed lots from turnip for this-tog.

  5. June 4th, 2007 at 17:47 | #5

    I’ve done toe up, two at once, on two circs before. I like your idea, though. I know myself well enough to know that I can fall prey to second sock syndrome.

  6. June 4th, 2007 at 17:47 | #6

    I’ve done toe up, two at once, on two circs before. I like your idea, though. I know myself well enough to know that I can fall prey to second sock syndrome.

  7. June 4th, 2007 at 17:48 | #7

    That made perfect sense. Now I’m scared.

  8. June 4th, 2007 at 17:48 | #8

    That made perfect sense. Now I’m scared.

  9. June 4th, 2007 at 17:53 | #9

    part of it is avoiding second sock syndrome, but for me, since i”m so new at this, if I learn how to turn a heel on one, I need to quick like do the second one so that I dont forget. also I find that by doing it twice in rapid succession, I tend to learn better 🙂

    it does mean you need two complete sets of needles, though. which can get kinda expensive if you use yarns in lots of different weights!

  10. June 4th, 2007 at 17:53 | #10

    part of it is avoiding second sock syndrome, but for me, since i”m so new at this, if I learn how to turn a heel on one, I need to quick like do the second one so that I dont forget. also I find that by doing it twice in rapid succession, I tend to learn better 🙂

    it does mean you need two complete sets of needles, though. which can get kinda expensive if you use yarns in lots of different weights!

  11. June 4th, 2007 at 18:59 | #11

    I have seen several different Jayne hats around, either online or in erson, and yours are absolutely, hands down, the best. I am probably going to be ordering my second one within the next couple of months.

    Are you going to DragonCon? If you aren’t, could you send me some of your cards to hand out while I wear my hat? I know people will ask where I got mine from.

  12. June 4th, 2007 at 18:59 | #12

    I have seen several different Jayne hats around, either online or in erson, and yours are absolutely, hands down, the best. I am probably going to be ordering my second one within the next couple of months.

    Are you going to DragonCon? If you aren’t, could you send me some of your cards to hand out while I wear my hat? I know people will ask where I got mine from.

  13. June 4th, 2007 at 19:06 | #13

    Awwww! That’s so sweet! Yes, I would be thrilled to send some cards, thank so much! 🙂 You still at the same address in FL? If so, I’ve still got your info. If not, drop me a line at my fancy new e-mail addy: heather at jaynehat dot com. 🙂

  14. June 4th, 2007 at 19:06 | #14

    Awwww! That’s so sweet! Yes, I would be thrilled to send some cards, thank so much! 🙂 You still at the same address in FL? If so, I’ve still got your info. If not, drop me a line at my fancy new e-mail addy: heather at jaynehat dot com. 🙂

  15. June 4th, 2007 at 20:04 | #15

    You’re scared? I haven’t played that character in well over two years, and I can still pop into the dialect without trying…

  16. June 4th, 2007 at 20:04 | #16

    You’re scared? I haven’t played that character in well over two years, and I can still pop into the dialect without trying…

  17. June 4th, 2007 at 20:10 | #17

    Tog is talk all-goodly!

    If you-furry is not gotted wakey-drink to day, tog is can talk lots slow and is can waved hand a round all so, be cause you-furry is proby is still a sleep.

  18. June 4th, 2007 at 20:10 | #18

    Tog is talk all-goodly!

    If you-furry is not gotted wakey-drink to day, tog is can talk lots slow and is can waved hand a round all so, be cause you-furry is proby is still a sleep.

  19. June 5th, 2007 at 13:14 | #19

    That page is so cool. A wonderful story of all the hard work and attention to detail you put into each hat.

    I notice you didn’t mention the purse you shove the Hat in Progress into whilst toting it all over town. 😉

  20. June 5th, 2007 at 13:14 | #20

    That page is so cool. A wonderful story of all the hard work and attention to detail you put into each hat.

    I notice you didn’t mention the purse you shove the Hat in Progress into whilst toting it all over town. 😉

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