
Posts Tagged ‘babyknits’

Lacy fun.

April 22nd, 2005 No comments

And lo, from the soysilk of Tyrathia emerges a blue scarf. (CD for scale.) It’s posted actual size because I’m trying to decide whether it’s too wide or not. Hmm.

By the way, “Lacey Funn” is totally going to be my stripper name if I ever have one.

Just remembered, I never posted this here: a baby blanket for a very dear friend who is having a baby. Say it with me: Awwwww. The pattern called for all the sheep to be the same, but I wanted them all different. My husband pointed out that the black sheep is off in its own little corner, like that section is blocked off for “undesirable sheep.” I told him not to read too much into it, it’s not a cultural statement. Besides, that’s where it is in the pattern. And they’re sheep, darnit, quit tweaking me! Baaaaaaa!

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Vaeldriil’s hat

March 14th, 2005 4 comments

Vaeldriil‘s baby’s hat and booties have arrived, and so now I may share picture.

Here they be. The yarn is 70% angora, 30% lambswool, so it’s pretty darned soft and fuzzy.

And here be the pattern for the hat, by yours truly, if anybody wants to give it a go. It is thoughtfully placed behind a cut since most of you either saw it in the knitting community or don’t give a rat’s ass about knitting.

Copyright me, blah blah, don’t use it for profit without askin’ me first, please – especially because I may offer these for sale on my site at if Vaeldriil doesn’t mind having her baby be a trendsetter.

Patrick’s Angel baby hat pattern

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October 26th, 2004 No comments

For my nephew, just in time for Halloween.

The pattern is free from

Believe me, he’s already got the ‘little devil’ attitude thing going, the hat is just the topper.

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Sweater update

October 20th, 2004 6 comments

I posted a while back about knitting this sweater, which is the cotton roll pattern from Minnowknits. I wanted to give an update.

I gave the sweater to my daughter’s kindergarten teacher yesterday, although she wasn’t able to open the package until later. She was thrilled! I had no idea, but apparently her little boy has hydroencephaly, and really can’t wear sweaters because the neckholes are always too small. But the cotton roll has two buttons along the shoulder, which opens up the entire left side of the top so his head was able to fit through with no problem. She said that he saw her coming with this sweater, and you could just see his face fall, like, “Mom, don’t try to put that on me.” But he was very happy that it fit. She said he’s wearing it today.

The Lego buttons that my daughter picked out were a big hit with the dad, who liked them to the point that my daughter’s teacher joked that she was going to get more and sew them on all her husband’s clothes.

I am thrilled that this gift was well-received, and very gratified that it has extra importance to them. She’s done so much for my ‘special’ kid that I’m glad I was able to do something for hers.

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October 15th, 2004 No comments
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October 14th, 2004 No comments

I’m doing Jil Eaton’s “Cotton Roll Sweater” and it’s going fairly well… up until this point. I have five rows to go on the second sleeve, and I RUN OUT OF YARN! So. Very. Frustrated.

Let’s hope my local yarn store has more in stock. Grrr. Stupid Manos cotton.

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October 4th, 2004 No comments

My daughter’s kindergarten teacher is wonderful in finding ways to work with my somewhat difficult daughter, so I wanted to do something nice for her. She has a 16 month old son. I’m making a cotton roll sweater for him, and have finished the back and front and grafted one shoulder together.

It’s too short.

No, really, it’s like tummy-baring short. The problem is the rows of stockinette and reverse stockinette, which make the rolls. It rose up on itself as it sat after I’d knitted it. So when I measured 11 inches for the back, it rode up to, like, 9 inches relaxed. So now I gotta figure out what to do. Grr.

My first sweater. I should have expected issues. Tomorrow this will all seem like a learning experience, but right now I’m sleepy enough to be irritated.

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Baby baby baby!

September 19th, 2004 No comments

The last hat was too big, so I’d be damned if I was going to make that same mistake again, and I hate sending things to people that aren’t quite right. The things not being quite right, not the people not being quite right. Most of my friends are “not quite right” if ya know what I mean.

Bah. I make no sense. Where’s my coffee?


Ahhh, that’s better. So, using some more of the Noro Lily, here’s a little knot hat sized to fit newborn to about three months. The colors are more pastel than they appear in that photo. It was fortunate how the Lily made lovely swirls up the fabric. I’m very pleased.

I think this colorway of the Lily may be discontinued, so I’m considering going back to my local yarn shop to snap up another skein. This was a quick and easy knit, and I’d happily do it again for any future babies.

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Baby baby baby!

September 19th, 2004 No comments

The last hat was too big, so I’d be damned if I was going to make that same mistake again, and I hate sending things to people that aren’t quite right. The things not being quite right, not the people not being quite right. Most of my friends are “not quite right” if you know what I mean.

Bah. I make no sense. Where’s my coffee?


Ahhh, that’s better. So, using some more of the Noro Lily, here’s a little knot hat sized to fit newborn to about three months. The colors are more pastel than they appear in that photo. It was fortunate how the Lily made lovely swirls up the fabric. I’m very pleased.

I think this colorway of the Lily may be discontinued, so I’m considering going back to my local yarn shop to snap up another skein. This was a quick and easy knit, and I’d happily do it again for any future babies.

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September 11th, 2004 No comments

Just in time for a baby shower tomorrow night, I’ve completed booties and hat. They wanted something pink, so it’s pink with a vengeance. The hat is a combination of the “Li’l Devil Baby Hat” and the “Official Kitty62 Hat” from I believe there’s an adult devil hat in “Stitch ‘N Bitch” too. In retrospect, I could have gone smaller and it would have been fine. The hat and booties together only used about 2/3 of a skein of Lamb’s Pride Worsted, and I even doubled it on the booties to make ’em nice and thick. So the whole project came in for less than 7 bucks in materials. We’ll leave aside the question of labor, of course.

It’s too small for my five-year-old, but nonetheless I made her put it on (before I attached the pom-poms) so I could see it. And now I must share with all of you.

I do like to do something new for every project, so for this one, the new thing was a provisional cast-on around a crochet chain. And pom-poms. I’d never made pom-poms. Pretty easy, since McGyverish directions are out there on the web. 🙂

I’m pleased! Now, I must wrap. And no, I won’t be hand-crafting the wrapping paper.

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