
Posts Tagged ‘babyknits’

I’ll be “nicest lady” if I have to kill every one of you to do it.

December 26th, 2007 8 comments

Apparently the holidays upped my niceness quotient, because now I’m up to #3 if you search for “nice lady” on Google. Nicest lady, here I come!

The dragon baby hat is done, as you can see. I’ll bring it to my knitting group tonight, since a couple of our members were keen to see it.

I’m putting aside a couple of non-Jayne projects to make a chemo cap that a relative just asked for for a friend of hers. She’s requested Shedir. Of course, she has no idea how much trouble that pattern is, but compared with having cancer, knitting that hat is a piece of cake. I’ll pick up the yarn today and get started. I’m happy I can help someone in this way.

Hey, does that move me up to #2 nicest lady? No? Darn!

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Things I learned tonight.

December 23rd, 2007 8 comments

Grocery shopping late at night just before Christmas is good, in that it cuts down on the crowds, and bad, in that the produce selection is awful.

Hot cocoa with peppermint schnapps is delicious. Thanks for a lovely evening, Rachel!

In other news, I’m taking a Jayne break until after Christmas. Currently on the needles is a non-Jayne order, a dinosaur/dragon hat like the one pictured at left, but for a baby. Instead of the Lamb’s Pride worsted pictured, I’m using Karabella Aurora 8 for machine washability. There are about a million ends to weave in on these, but the end effect is always worth it.

Also, Christmas-themed stitch markers. Here’s hoping it warms up soon, because what I learned from these is that the vapor from the sealant really doesn’t dissipate indoors, no matter how many precautions you take. Is that tipsiness from the schnapps or the sealant? The world may never know!

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Wak wak wak!

March 17th, 2007 13 comments
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B is for…

November 16th, 2006 6 comments


Pattern: “Lovable Toys” rabbit on page 104 of Last Minute Knitted Gifts.
Materials: Blue Sky Alpaca Sport held doubled for body, Valeria di Roma angora held double for inside of ears, polyfiberfill for stuffing, cotton embroidery floss for face.
Needles: 2 #6 circs

The bunny has reached its new owner, the lovely little girl in ‘s home, so now I can post it.

In spite of the name “Last Minute Knitted Gifts” this was not done last-minute. In the book, it’s under the “six to eight hour” category, along with a full-sized silk camisole and a cabled purse. I don’t know what kind of happy pills the designer takes to be able to knock these projects out “last minute.” This was, however, a good stashbuster since I already had the angora and a ball of the alpaca in my stash. I would have sworn I had two balls of alpaca, but I did have to snag another one at Charlotte Yarn when I was just at the neck.

I lengthened the legs and body a little, but really it’s pretty much according to pattern. I started out with very nice mattress seaming, then suddenly realized that half the niftiness of having a hand-knitted gift is that you can tell it’s hand-knitted. After that, I was a little more casual with the finishing.

This was the first time I’ve really embroidered, and it was fun. Fun enough, in fact, that I think I’m going to incorporate more embroidery in my work when possible. Special bonus: my mom is good with embroidery, so there’s my reference source.

This was an enjoyable project, even if there was a larger amount of finishing than I’m used to. All those bits had to be sewn together. The finished project was worth it, though, I think. I’m given to understand that the recipient is happily chewing on the ears. Mmmm! Angoriffic!

Bon apetit, Calla!

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October 27th, 2006 16 comments

(I tried to re-load Photoshop onto my machine today, but the disk was too scratched. I’m still waiting on a new copy of Photoshop and a newer version of Mac OSX, so no new original pics for at least another four days. Le sigh.)
Old FO plus good Emily stuff

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What to knit for a baby.

March 21st, 2006 34 comments

My kid’s first grade teacher is going out on leave in early April. I’m thinking I should knit something for her upcoming baby boy.

And so, I solicit your opinions!

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Baby socks

February 1st, 2006 2 comments

Since panzermama got her parcel in the mail, I can now post info on the baby socks. This has been previously posted to the knitting channel, I just like having a record elsewhere.

Tale of woe about mis-reading gauge, shortcuts, and Lorna’s Laces sport below cut.

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All comin’ together.

January 20th, 2006 No comments

After much trial and error, I got the colors to pool in a knitted object juuuust right. I’ll post pics when it’s done and gone to its destination.

In thinking of more nifty things I can do for the fest, I remembered something from long ago that will help. I hope to work on it a little tonight.

Mailed off two Jayne kits and two hats, although there’s plenty more to go.

Unhappy with the quality of the color joins on the 6 foot Jayne scarf, I unravelled what I’d done re-knitted the first part using a different method. The color joins look noticeably better now.

All in all, I am overworked and very tired, but the results are showing. A good day.

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It’s not me, it’s the pattern…

October 9th, 2005 2 comments

…but I didn’t exactly help. It’s this baby hat pattern from Crystal Palace, calling for their extremely soft and chunky “Poof” yarn. It’s kind of like Berroco’s “Plush” on steroids with dark hair growth as a side effect. I realized last night that a friend was throwing a birthday party for her 1-year-old daughter and I had nothing, and I wanted to do something slightly different than the 50 bazillion Jayne hats I’ve done mostly in a row. The pattern calls for size 13 needles, so I knew it would be quick. Unfortunately, I made some basic mistakes.

And what were those mistakes, you ask? They, the pictures, and long-winded ramble are behind the cut.

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May 13th, 2005 8 comments

My dear friend, an old roommate from college, was blown away by the sheep blanket for her upcoming baby and the dinosaur hat for her older son. To say that she was effusive in her praise would be an understatement.

Yes, I feel very good about myself now, I must admit. She’s a wonderful person whom I love, and I am grateful that I was able to do something to show her that.

Incidentally, she was maid of honor at my wedding, and my husband’s best friend was our best man. Did we set those two up? Of course. And now they’re married with that aforementioned second kid on the way.

Why yes, I am the wedding guru, why do you ask?

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