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Mmmm… chocolate.

Look what the lovely and generous gave me!

Sock yarn! And the colorway is S’mores. How perfect is that for me? I had admired it on her blogspot blog and joked that if she ever wanted to get rid of it, think of me. And she did! Which was good, because I wasn’t joking, I was gonna put on a ski mask and come over there and get it myself. These’ll be some lovely, lovely socks. I’m all about the socks now.

In other news, the electric ice-cream maker works like a dream. And my daughter learned a valuable lesson in why you don’t eat rock salt. Yikes. Well, at least the ice cream is good!

I’m taking prednisone for the poison ivy, which had better start working soon before my hand goes all evil on me and starts doing things of its own volition. It ain’t good. And of course, since I’m on steroids now, I can’t compete in the Tour de France like I was planning. Darn the luck!

Off to sit with Salty Boo.

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  1. August 3rd, 2006 at 18:14 | #1

    Good thing since the Tour de France is, ya know, OVER. Heh.

    Glad you like it so very much!

  2. August 3rd, 2006 at 18:14 | #2

    Good thing since the Tour de France is, ya know, OVER. Heh.

    Glad you like it so very much!

  3. August 3rd, 2006 at 18:54 | #3

    I seem to have a dim memory somewhere of loving rock salt when I was little. Though I did tend to just sneak little bits and suck on it for ages rather than chomping and devouring.

    The yarn is gorgeous!

  4. August 3rd, 2006 at 18:54 | #4

    I seem to have a dim memory somewhere of loving rock salt when I was little. Though I did tend to just sneak little bits and suck on it for ages rather than chomping and devouring.

    The yarn is gorgeous!

  5. August 3rd, 2006 at 20:18 | #5

    looks like a funky loaf of challah

  6. August 3rd, 2006 at 20:18 | #6

    looks like a funky loaf of challah

  7. August 4th, 2006 at 06:05 | #7

    “Idle Hands…”

    Lovely yarn! and glad to read earlier that it wasn’t shingles after all (although that doesn’t mean I’m glad it’s poison ivy).

    I’m trying not to eat ice cream as a way to lose some pounds before a wedding late this month. Maybe I should try exercising too! 😉

  8. August 4th, 2006 at 06:05 | #8

    “Idle Hands…”

    Lovely yarn! and glad to read earlier that it wasn’t shingles after all (although that doesn’t mean I’m glad it’s poison ivy).

    I’m trying not to eat ice cream as a way to lose some pounds before a wedding late this month. Maybe I should try exercising too! 😉

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