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Let it fly, baby!

Continuing my run of finishing longstanding UFOs (unfinished objects), I present the Freak Flag!

Yarn: 3 hanks Berroco Hip-Hop in “Way Cool” 7237 (loop stitch really eats up the yarn)
Needles: #13 US
Cast on 9.
Loop stitch one side, knit across row on other side. Makes it curve in nicely so the loopy side is out. Let’s have another look at those loops, shall we?
I have no idea what compelled me to begin this scarf. I’m choosing “Freak Flag” as a name for it, as it is more marketable than some others which occurred to me, such as “Detached Retina” “Bad Trip” and “Klown Kollege Kegger.”

I mock myself because I realize that this could go on You Knit What? very easily. I cringe at doing something so “out there,” and yet… I really, really like it. I can’t wear it, but I like it. I really have no idea why. Perhaps I’m being controlled by a psychotic killer sheep. Regardless, this is totally going up on http://www.wearwithstyle.com for sale.

If loving sixties flashbacks is wrong, I don’t wanna be right. Next up, a very calming black hat.

Also: Jayne hat on the needles for New Hampshire, then Indiana, Norway, and a blue scarf as a prize won by someone in ‘s baby pool! Hmm… I wonder if I could convince GM Alvy to wear “Freak Flag”…

P.S. You all know I have a thick skin. Snark will not offend me. I love you all, individually and as a group!

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  1. May 9th, 2006 at 00:38 | #1

    I think I need this for Pride.


  2. May 9th, 2006 at 00:38 | #2

    I think I need this for Pride.


  3. May 9th, 2006 at 01:09 | #3

    do you realize? that happiness makes you cry.
    and do you realize? that everyone you know some day will die… but instead of saying all of your goodbyes, let them know you realize that life goes fast it’s hard to make the good things last. Realize the sun doesn’t go down, it’s just an illusion caused by the world spinning round.

    i love you.
    you are beautiful and you are perfect. make yourself happy.
    go outside. find truth. fall in love. look at the sky and taste the air.


  4. May 9th, 2006 at 01:09 | #4

    do you realize? that happiness makes you cry.
    and do you realize? that everyone you know some day will die… but instead of saying all of your goodbyes, let them know you realize that life goes fast it’s hard to make the good things last. Realize the sun doesn’t go down, it’s just an illusion caused by the world spinning round.

    i love you.
    you are beautiful and you are perfect. make yourself happy.
    go outside. find truth. fall in love. look at the sky and taste the air.


  5. May 9th, 2006 at 01:43 | #5

    I love it! That would be so awesome to wear to a show! Post a link when you put up for sale!

    Though I am trying to imagine wearing it in the dead heat of Florida’s spring/summer. Hee.

  6. May 9th, 2006 at 01:43 | #6

    I love it! That would be so awesome to wear to a show! Post a link when you put up for sale!

    Though I am trying to imagine wearing it in the dead heat of Florida’s spring/summer. Hee.

  7. May 9th, 2006 at 02:11 | #7

    Heh. Yeah, it’s 100% wool, pretty warm. Also, unfortunately, because it took 3 hanks of that yarn, my material costs were high, and I really should be charging about $80 for it. I doubt I’ll price it that high, but… it may be a bit steep for the Florida summer. 🙂 It’ll be interesting to see if anybody bites!

  8. May 9th, 2006 at 02:11 | #8

    Heh. Yeah, it’s 100% wool, pretty warm. Also, unfortunately, because it took 3 hanks of that yarn, my material costs were high, and I really should be charging about $80 for it. I doubt I’ll price it that high, but… it may be a bit steep for the Florida summer. 🙂 It’ll be interesting to see if anybody bites!

  9. May 9th, 2006 at 02:18 | #9


    I have no words.

    If it sells (which I’m pretty sure it will), next time reduce your costs by using Lion Brand. They have some giant yarn in almost that same colorway. Maybe Jiffy T&Q?

  10. May 9th, 2006 at 02:18 | #10


    I have no words.

    If it sells (which I’m pretty sure it will), next time reduce your costs by using Lion Brand. They have some giant yarn in almost that same colorway. Maybe Jiffy T&Q?

  11. May 9th, 2006 at 03:26 | #11

    It looks like a clown threw up after eating multi-colored cotton candy.

    Yet it is strangely compelling. It is something I would wear with a black leotard (if I had the bod for one) and a goofy cloche hat and prance down the street at Mardi Gras. This is a party scarf. It has a history, and history smells like hooch and hoochie-mama.

    It is like the slightly daffy young aunt that everyone whispers about because there’s a three second clip of her boobs in the twenty-second Girls Gone Wild video. It is squeezy and interesting and I would totally own something like that.

  12. May 9th, 2006 at 03:26 | #12

    It looks like a clown threw up after eating multi-colored cotton candy.

    Yet it is strangely compelling. It is something I would wear with a black leotard (if I had the bod for one) and a goofy cloche hat and prance down the street at Mardi Gras. This is a party scarf. It has a history, and history smells like hooch and hoochie-mama.

    It is like the slightly daffy young aunt that everyone whispers about because there’s a three second clip of her boobs in the twenty-second Girls Gone Wild video. It is squeezy and interesting and I would totally own something like that.

  13. May 9th, 2006 at 04:41 | #13

    Oh wow! Okay, I know I’m a freak but I actually like it. Its one of those things that you would only wear when you’re feeling very vibrant, funky and fun. We all need more things that inspire us to feel and act that way.

  14. May 9th, 2006 at 04:41 | #14

    Oh wow! Okay, I know I’m a freak but I actually like it. Its one of those things that you would only wear when you’re feeling very vibrant, funky and fun. We all need more things that inspire us to feel and act that way.

  15. May 9th, 2006 at 12:22 | #15

    I actually had something like that back in high-school/college. It was black, but it was perfect for proms, formals, or getting my goth on.

  16. May 9th, 2006 at 12:22 | #16

    I actually had something like that back in high-school/college. It was black, but it was perfect for proms, formals, or getting my goth on.

  17. May 9th, 2006 at 12:34 | #17

    I tend to agree. The wool is pretty, and the thick portions of the thick and thin make great loops, but because those are basically roving, they’re in danger of fuzzing up with friction.

  18. May 9th, 2006 at 12:34 | #18

    I tend to agree. The wool is pretty, and the thick portions of the thick and thin make great loops, but because those are basically roving, they’re in danger of fuzzing up with friction.

  19. May 9th, 2006 at 13:49 | #19

    Hee! I was thinking the same thing. Would match most of my tie-dyes. 🙂

    Though in Florida? Instant heatstroke, unless you wear it in February. (I live in FL too.)

  20. May 9th, 2006 at 13:49 | #20

    Hee! I was thinking the same thing. Would match most of my tie-dyes. 🙂

    Though in Florida? Instant heatstroke, unless you wear it in February. (I live in FL too.)

  21. May 9th, 2006 at 15:00 | #21

    Ahh the things we do for showbiz though. 😀 I fussed at the bassist for one of the bands I’m friends with because he wasn’t very animated on stage. He complained that he was hot in the jacket he was in. I told him that being a showman meant having stage presence regardless of comfort, so I’m almost tempted to get the scarf just to show him how its done. 😀

    On the other hand, I’m not sure that my suffering will help him learn anything, so maybe not. 😀

  22. May 9th, 2006 at 15:00 | #22

    Ahh the things we do for showbiz though. 😀 I fussed at the bassist for one of the bands I’m friends with because he wasn’t very animated on stage. He complained that he was hot in the jacket he was in. I told him that being a showman meant having stage presence regardless of comfort, so I’m almost tempted to get the scarf just to show him how its done. 😀

    On the other hand, I’m not sure that my suffering will help him learn anything, so maybe not. 😀

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