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Christmas is the joy of giving… to me!

December 10th, 2005 Leave a comment Go to comments

I kid. I actually enjoy giving thing to others, and trying to think of unusual, unexpected, small things others might enjoy. That’s definitely something I got from my parents, especially my creampuff dad.

However, I also like to dream. 🙂

And so I present: 10 utterly frivolous things which I covet. Please note: I am not hinting for stuff, I’m just having a little capitalist interlude here.

“Smart Women Thirst for Knowledge” coffee mug. I would so totally drink hot chocolate out of this.

Exotic yarn blends. I have no clue what I’d actually make with, let’s say, possum or dog yarn. I just know I want it. My God, this woman has a blend of raccoon, buffalo, yak, cashmere, and camel! Yeah, it’s only 25 yards – I could make, maybe a wrist warmer with that – but I just like to picture the crazy gang war on board Noah’s Ark that produced that combo.

“Inside Job” by Connie Willis and “Mother Aegypt” by Kage Baker. How did these ladies’ books come out without me knowing it? Connie Willis’ doesn’t seem to be getting quite as good reviews as her previous works, but that doesn’t put me off. The woman could scribble in crayon for 100 pages and I would buy it and stay awake late into the night, poring over it. As for Kage Baker, I’ve really enjoyed her “Company” series. Looks like she’s not on a major label for this one, and that’s too bad. If she’s still producing work like “In the Garden of Iden”, she deserves a wider audience.

BIG shampoo by Lush. I got this once when I went in halfsies on a bath and body splurge with and MAN, do I love what it did for my hair. Unfortunately, it’s tres expensive, particularly with shipping. Nonetheless, it’s easily the best salty and slimy glop in a tub I’ve ever put on my head.

Don’t Be a Dirtbag Soap. I got some from etsy.com as part of their Hurricane Katrina Red Cross fundraiser, which is going on through the holidays. It was some kind of peppermint or spearmint with poppyseed, maybe with bee pollen… I dunno, it just smells good and feels invigorating. I’m almost out. I also find it interesting since the company also seems to be an example of how a catchy marketing phrase can help boost your success.

“The Very Best of Judy Collins”. The only thing I could wish for that isn’t on this is “Bread and Roses,” a song that always makes me feel very fierce and misty-eyed.

Wonder Woman Underoos. Looks like, allowing for the fabric to shrink below its stated size, I’d wear an XL. In other words, I’m really not somebody you actually want to see wearing this. And yet, I don’t care.

A sterling silver knit-patterned ring. This easily falls under the category of “things I price in terms of number of daughter’s occupational therapy sessions it would pay for.” In this case, assuming insurance ponies up its proper share, this ring costs at least five sessions. If the insurance company has one of its charming little bouts of whimsy again, it costs not quite two sessions. The ring is gorgeous, and I love it… but I know where I’d rather have my money go.

Silver heart pin. How often would I wear this? I don’t know. It just makes me happy.

Pretty much anything from Amy Peters’ Studio. I’ve got a “courage” pendant of hers that I picked up from the etsy store for the Red Cross, and I wear it all the time. Makes me feel just a little bit more courageous. And of course it goes without saying that the “Serenity” pendant would have a very appropriate double meaning.

And there you have it. The list, subject to update at any time. I didn’t include TimTams. That just goes without saying. I actually had a momentary thrill to see that it’s possible to buy TimTams online! And then I noticed that they’re all out of stock. Curse you, Arnott’s corporation!

And on that note, I’m off to bed. The full-blown cold never materialized, but a low-level sniffly creeping crud has invaded. Best get some sleep.

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  1. December 11th, 2005 at 07:33 | #1

    Send me your address. How can I resist the thought of you in wonder woman underoos!

  2. December 11th, 2005 at 07:33 | #2

    Send me your address. How can I resist the thought of you in wonder woman underoos!

  3. December 12th, 2005 at 01:37 | #3

    I just got an advertisment from Lush that says from Jan 1-March 31 they’re doing a buy one get one free on their top 5 products, which includes Big. The coupon code is FREETOP5

  4. December 12th, 2005 at 01:37 | #4

    I just got an advertisment from Lush that says from Jan 1-March 31 they’re doing a buy one get one free on their top 5 products, which includes Big. The coupon code is FREETOP5

  5. December 13th, 2005 at 00:37 | #5

    Heh. I would so totally twirl around the room singing the theme song.

  6. December 13th, 2005 at 00:37 | #6

    Heh. I would so totally twirl around the room singing the theme song.

  7. December 13th, 2005 at 00:39 | #7

    Woot! Thanks!

  8. December 13th, 2005 at 00:39 | #8

    Woot! Thanks!

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