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Sad but sweet.

December 9th, 2005 Leave a comment Go to comments

I kept last year’s stack of Christmas cards because I never got around to actually putting the addresses into my address book for sending cards to this year.

I found GM Jeremael’s in the stack.

Yep, that’s Jerry all right.

Miss ya, big guy. I’m thinking of you.

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  1. December 9th, 2005 at 22:05 | #1

    Okay, so you could probably sympathize with me here…

    We were alpha testers of what is now a very successful MMORPG (Puzzle Pirates, which you need to play if you don’t already). They are the most lovable humans on the planet; we just spent our second vacation at their yearly party (read: sitting in a pool and getting drunk with the developers).

    What in the heck shall we send their office? I was thinking magnets and regional candies for everyone. Last year I wrote everything in glitter glue, but it didn’t dry quick enough.

    (They put up player correspondence in the bathroom. I hear it’s ducky.)

  2. December 9th, 2005 at 22:05 | #2

    Okay, so you could probably sympathize with me here…

    We were alpha testers of what is now a very successful MMORPG (Puzzle Pirates, which you need to play if you don’t already). They are the most lovable humans on the planet; we just spent our second vacation at their yearly party (read: sitting in a pool and getting drunk with the developers).

    What in the heck shall we send their office? I was thinking magnets and regional candies for everyone. Last year I wrote everything in glitter glue, but it didn’t dry quick enough.

    (They put up player correspondence in the bathroom. I hear it’s ducky.)

  3. December 9th, 2005 at 22:10 | #3

    I’ve heard really good things about Puzzle Pirates, but haven’t explored it in depth. Hey, if you were alpha testers, they should be sending YOU things!

  4. December 9th, 2005 at 22:10 | #4

    I’ve heard really good things about Puzzle Pirates, but haven’t explored it in depth. Hey, if you were alpha testers, they should be sending YOU things!

  5. December 10th, 2005 at 15:16 | #5

    They gave us a lifetime subscription for 50 bucks. Two years ago 🙂

  6. December 10th, 2005 at 15:16 | #6

    They gave us a lifetime subscription for 50 bucks. Two years ago 🙂

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