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Embryonic Jayne hats.

November 4th, 2005 Leave a comment Go to comments

I think I’m set for yarn for a while. And there’s actually two more large orange cones. I’ll just have to keep an eye on the yellow.

Good. I hate running low.

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  1. November 6th, 2005 at 15:06 | #1

    Hey Tvini, can you email me? I can’t find your email, and I figure it’s faster to leave you a message.

    I’m dyeing up your yarn as I type, and have come across a concern.

  2. November 6th, 2005 at 15:06 | #2

    Hey Tvini, can you email me? I can’t find your email, and I figure it’s faster to leave you a message.

    I’m dyeing up your yarn as I type, and have come across a concern.

  3. November 16th, 2005 at 00:32 | #3

    Psst… I used your Jayne pattern too.. well, not in the right colors yet, as I wanted to see if I could even hack it, but I’ve ordered the right colors to use!
    Question is… I have a whole butt-ton of friends who want these, and I was wondering where you got the big cones of yarn, as that seems the most cost-effective way to cunninghattenize the masses for Xmas.

    Feel free to just leave me a comment wherever in my LJ… I’l find it eventually.

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