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Tvini vs. baby snakes. It’s a draw.

Mosaic scarfWell, I finished the baby snakes scarf. Note 13″ tall Groovy Girl for scale. The scarf is a straight garter stitch, but with double the number of stitches for the last few rows for a very small flirty ruffle.

So if I finished the scarf, why do I call it a draw? Because I got too smart for myself and tried to outthink the baby snakes. See, back when I first got my ball winder, I thought, “Hey, I’ll just rewind this stuff onto a nice center pull ball.” Big mistake. It was a case of thinking about a new toy and not looking closely enough at what the yarn was actually doing. What I wound up with (so to speak) was a hopeless tangle. The snakes just kept slithering around and out of my grasp. This is a yarn that is best kept on its original cardboard core, wrapped tightly in a rubber band when not in use.

I was able to use one of the balls, and about half of the second tangled one, and then said, “the hell with it” and decided the scarf was long enough. It was, like, one in the morning when I finished because I didn’t want to stop and have the yarn tangle in on itself again, and I was just too tired to mess with it.

I’m throwing the rest of the tangle out. It’s gorgeous, but there’s not enough for one garment and I do not have the patience to de-tangle it night after night.

You know, come to think of it, I do have a cool scarf for Simucon and did learn a lesson about novelty ribbon yarns, so I guess I actually won. Take that, baby snakes! Yeah!

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  1. May 10th, 2004 at 09:49 | #1

    Ooh, that’s gorgeous.

    Tvini: 1
    Snakes: 0

    I’m going to be guilted into finishing my first project if I keep looking at your things. Grumble!

  2. May 10th, 2004 at 09:49 | #2

    Ooh, that’s gorgeous.

    Tvini: 1
    Snakes: 0

    I’m going to be guilted into finishing my first project if I keep looking at your things. Grumble!

  3. May 10th, 2004 at 19:05 | #3

    All this reminds me of Conan’s epic battle with the huge serpent. I’m glad you finally beat it into submission Tvini. 😀


  4. May 10th, 2004 at 19:05 | #4

    All this reminds me of Conan’s epic battle with the huge serpent. I’m glad you finally beat it into submission Tvini. 😀


  5. May 12th, 2004 at 01:28 | #5

    Everyone that reads yer LJ will recognize you at Simucon now, I promise. I do like the scarf.

  6. May 12th, 2004 at 01:28 | #6

    Everyone that reads yer LJ will recognize you at Simucon now, I promise. I do like the scarf.

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