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Yesterday was long and frustrating. The morning was wasted ferrying forgotten things back and forth to my daughter at her dance camp so I didn’t get much accomplished. The camp, by the way, has a Tinkerbell theme and it’s the most adorable thing ever.

I picked her up from camp early so I could take her to an endodontist in Concord to look at the tooth. There was construction on the highway and then Google Maps didn’t catch a name change, so we were 20 minutes late. In my haste to get there I didn’t swing by home to pick up the referral slip and insurance info, so another 20 minutes passed while we waited for that to get sorted out. Finally I had to tell the receptionist that while I understood that all the delays were not her fault, we were still going to have to skedaddle if we were going to make a 3pm appointment back in Charlotte on time. When they heard that, they were able to see us, but it was one of those “oh, it’ll only be a few more minutes” situations for everything – the x-rays would only be a few minutes, developing them would be a few minutes, the doctor would see us in a few minutes, etc. It added up, and combined with a wreck (someone else’s) on the highway back, we were late for our afternoon appointment, too.

I opted not to go straight to our appointment, but to go home instead. We hadn’t had lunch, and even though time is money at the 3pm appointment, my baby needed to eat and decompress. Delaying a little longer wasn’t going to hurt us, but hurrying might. I’m really proud of her for hanging in there when one thing after another went wrong. That showed a lot of maturity.

The evening went fairly smoothly. I gave Em a free pass on homework-type-stuff because she’d gone through so much that day and been so patient about it. We got her hair washed (she hates this but it HAD to be done) and played some.

After she went to bed, it was D&D time! Things went well. Unbelievably, nobody was set on fire. I have to check the logs, but I don’t think any of us actually hit each other, either. Another first! I’ll post the writeup later this week.

Just after D&D finished at 1am, my husband came home from the overnight trip he had taken with his father. They had ridden the Virginia Creeper trail on their bikes and had a great time. It was wonderful to have him back. He has the day off and I think we’re both looking forward to a low-key morning of unwinding together.

And now it’s time to tell Tinkerbell to suit up and get ready to dance. If you believe in fairies, clap your hands!

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  1. August 5th, 2009 at 14:23 | #1

    Ever see Stripes? When Winger asked the guys if they cried at the end of Old Yeller. I’m John Candy

    *weighs it for a second, claps*

  2. August 5th, 2009 at 14:23 | #2

    Ever see Stripes? When Winger asked the guys if they cried at the end of Old Yeller. I’m John Candy

    *weighs it for a second, claps*

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