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Not quite James Bond

Last night at about 9pm, we heard Em talking up a storm in her room. My husband snuck back to listen to what she was saying, to be sure she wasn’t upset or crying.

He heard Em gleefully exclaim, “Ryan has carrot sticks up his nose!” We recognized this at once. It was from Mrs. Roopy Is Loopy by Dan Gutman, one of the My Weird School books that she keeps on her bedside table. She also has a little flashlight there that she uses when she’s pretending that all her dolls are lost under the blankets.

She was sneaky enough to get out the flashlight and read in bed with the lights off, but not sneaky enough to read quietly to herself. I have no room to talk – I used to do the same thing, but silently. What a great age she’s at.

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  1. Anonymous
    March 13th, 2009 at 12:36 | #1

    Memory Day

    Today is a day of memories! TurtleGirl reminded me of one of my favorite Bugs Bunny cartoons when I was a kid (and still…and now you…

    Where are my Trixie Belden Books by the way? Do they still write those?

  2. Anonymous
    March 13th, 2009 at 12:36 | #2

    Memory Day

    Today is a day of memories! TurtleGirl reminded me of one of my favorite Bugs Bunny cartoons when I was a kid (and still…and now you…

    Where are my Trixie Belden Books by the way? Do they still write those?

  3. March 13th, 2009 at 16:39 | #3

    I just think you are a nifty mom.

    That’s all 🙂

  4. March 13th, 2009 at 16:39 | #4

    I just think you are a nifty mom.

    That’s all 🙂

  5. March 13th, 2009 at 18:04 | #5

    Wow .. what memories. I was also a flashlight under the covers reader. But my mom wasn’t as nifty as you and would have fits when she caught me reading instead of sleeping.

    Sooo.. the next stage was to create a reading “nest” in the bottom of my closet where I would hide and read. ::smiles:: That was actually the best reading spot I ever had.

  6. March 13th, 2009 at 18:04 | #6

    Wow .. what memories. I was also a flashlight under the covers reader. But my mom wasn’t as nifty as you and would have fits when she caught me reading instead of sleeping.

    Sooo.. the next stage was to create a reading “nest” in the bottom of my closet where I would hide and read. ::smiles:: That was actually the best reading spot I ever had.

  7. Anonymous
    March 14th, 2009 at 00:06 | #7

    reading with a flashlight

    What a great way to read a good book! I’m glad Emily is a reader.

  8. Anonymous
    March 14th, 2009 at 00:06 | #8

    reading with a flashlight

    What a great way to read a good book! I’m glad Emily is a reader.

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