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Brand New Day

Took a little break from Jayne hats to indulge in some foolishness inspired by Dr. Horrible Act II.

Until I hear otherwise, I’m going to assume it’s kosher to make Dr. Horrible icons. I don’t normally make icons, but this show is inspirational.

Feel free to use them to your heart’s content, although I’d appreciate a nod wherever it is you usually credit folks for your icons.

These are up on flickr. I’ll be adding more, although we all know it’s not about MAKING icons, it’s about TAKING icons.

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  1. July 18th, 2008 at 01:55 | #1

    and I totally lost it at the delivery of “the hammer is my…” Not that I would use an icon of that, mind, but it was terribly funny.

  2. July 18th, 2008 at 01:55 | #2

    and I totally lost it at the delivery of “the hammer is my…” Not that I would use an icon of that, mind, but it was terribly funny.

  3. July 18th, 2008 at 03:11 | #3

    Heh. That was totally going to be my next icon.

  4. July 18th, 2008 at 03:11 | #4

    Heh. That was totally going to be my next icon.

  5. July 18th, 2008 at 03:23 | #5

    Oh, yeah… I think it would make an awesome icon, just not really one I’d use.

  6. July 18th, 2008 at 03:23 | #6

    Oh, yeah… I think it would make an awesome icon, just not really one I’d use.

  7. July 18th, 2008 at 03:32 | #7

    Ditto that. Mine was just going to point to his arms and say “not the hammer.” I had someone tell me once that they leave my LJ open with their kids in the room because they know nothing too profane is going to pop up, so I try to watch the language. Heh.

  8. July 18th, 2008 at 03:32 | #8

    Ditto that. Mine was just going to point to his arms and say “not the hammer.” I had someone tell me once that they leave my LJ open with their kids in the room because they know nothing too profane is going to pop up, so I try to watch the language. Heh.

  9. July 18th, 2008 at 11:32 | #9

    Dr Horrible is the man.

  10. July 18th, 2008 at 11:32 | #10

    Dr Horrible is the man.

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