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Mother Nature

My allergies are definitely getting better. I can often breathe through my nose now, although I make some alarming sounds doing it. Unfortunately, all the lying on the couch has messed up my back. It’s an old injury that flares up from time to time, usually from neglecting to exercise and keep the muscles strong and limber. If it ain’t one thing, it’s another.

Emily’s EOG tests are done, much to everyone’s relief. “Now I can go to fourth grade!” she says. I have it on good authority that her teacher was going to recommend her for fourth grade regardless of how she did, since the teacher says that’s clearly where she needs to be, so all the angst Em felt was probably for nothing. Well, I suppose it builds character.

Em got to announce the weather over the loudspeaker yesterday morning, to her great pleasure. She likes to get to school early so that she has a better chance of being around when they pick someone to do these things. The bell rings at 7:30, and they ask kids not to arrive before 7:00, but you’d better believe Em’s ready to go at 6:50, standing at the door and staring out like a dog with a full bladder, ready to bolt at the first opportunity.

No, I did not just compare my beautiful child to a dog that needs to pee, and if you thought you read that, you’re mistaken.

Today’s Em art: Mother Nature. It seemed fitting given the pollen. I dig Mother Nature’s groovy frock and boots, and the fact that she has hearts for fingers.

Time to go clean out the freezer. It had something pressing against the door and popped open in the night, and now everything’s ruined. Well, it’ll be an opportunity to start fresh, eh?

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  1. May 23rd, 2008 at 12:12 | #1

    I love Mother Nature’s bottom heavy, high heeled legs and feet – very artistic, like a cartoon in the New Yorker.

  2. May 23rd, 2008 at 12:12 | #2

    I love Mother Nature’s bottom heavy, high heeled legs and feet – very artistic, like a cartoon in the New Yorker.

  3. May 23rd, 2008 at 14:29 | #3

    I love Em’s art. 🙂

  4. May 23rd, 2008 at 14:29 | #4

    I love Em’s art. 🙂

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