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My husband, I may have mentioned, has lost a lot of weight. He’s done this mainly by biking. Since it was a beautiful day yesterday, after he came home from work he grabbed a bite and got on his bike. He was out for about an hour and 40 minutes, and went about 25 miles on a hilly road near our house. He’s very good about staying hydrated while riding, and he came home and drank a fair amount of Gatorade because he sweats like a fiend and he knows he needs to replace that salt as well as the water.

So after walking around the house for a bit, he leaned back in the recliner and cranked up his laptop. After a while, he stood up to go into the kitchen. He took two steps, paused, started waving his arms oddly to the sides, then he went down like Sonny Liston, kind of half-controlling his fall as he went.

“What happened?” he asked. I was on my knees beside him at this point, holding him. I hadn’t realized up until then that he wasn’t aware of what was going on. I tried to talk slowly and quietly. “You fell down.” “What?” “You stood up to go into the kitchen, then you fell down.” Apparently he had been unconscious, but still had enough of a sense of self-preservation working to try to modify his rate of descent. He was partly successful, but he hurt his hip when he fell on (and broke) my PVC niddy noddy. Ouch. Just looking at it hurts me.

His fall looked a lot like it did in this movie, except that he’s 50 pounds lighter, he didn’t fall on purpose, he wasn’t smiling and our daughter wasn’t in the room, thank God.

From his point of view, apparently he got up, thought “I feel a little light-headed. I’ll just stand here for a…” and then he was on the ground, like he’d just woken up from being asleep.

This isn’t the first time he’s been light-headed after getting up. It seems to happen much more frequently after exercise, but there was one time recently when he actually staggered after getting up out of bed in the evening. Which is much scarier when you realize that he had gotten up so that our daughter could leap into his arms. That may have been not long after some exercise too, but I don’t remember.

Anyway, obviously he had to go to the doctor, and I asked him to go NOW rather than waiting until Friday, when he had been thinking about taking a day off since he’s been working a lot of extra hours. So we went this morning. We didn’t realize this, but apparently his doctor used to do sports medicine, so that worked right out.

Because Steve had eaten, properly hydrated, etc. a lot of diagnoses were ruled out. The doctor wants to do more tests, including a stress test, before he settles on anything for sure. Apparently there are a lot of things it could be, but the most likely thing, the doctor thinks at the moment, is syncope. Pronounced “SIN-co-pee” it apparently is what happens when your brain isn’t getting enough blood so it just kind of shuts down until it does get enough blood. We’re awaiting blood tests, etc., to figure this out further.

So of course I get on Google and go nuts. I don’t really know enough about this yet to go into full-on hardcore take control of your destiny mode in the way that women on my mother’s side of the family do, but I did run across this little gem. “However, exercise-related syncope always requires investigation because it may be the only symptom that precedes a sudden cardiac death.”

What. The. FUCK!

Alert the media, Tvini’s going into full on freak-out mode. The doctor ordered him off his bike until test results come back, which is good, because it saves me from having to hide his bike, because WHAT THE FUCK.

It’s probably not serious, even the doctor says. But if it’s not not serious, then it is serious, and WHAT THE FUCK.

I’ll be over here freaking out lending quiet support to my husband. Holler if you need me.

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  1. April 3rd, 2008 at 17:51 | #1

    Sometimes Dr. Google is the badness in the freakout route. I’m glad you guys went to the doctor and are getting this taken care of. Fingers crossed for it being nothing serious.

  2. April 3rd, 2008 at 17:51 | #2

    Sometimes Dr. Google is the badness in the freakout route. I’m glad you guys went to the doctor and are getting this taken care of. Fingers crossed for it being nothing serious.

  3. April 3rd, 2008 at 18:15 | #3

    Auuugh sometimes the Google is made of evil. :hugs:

    You guys were smart and went right to the Doctor and I’m sure everything will work out. I’m so sorry though. When it rains it pours, yes? :/ :more hugs!: :super super evil Corgi snuggles even!:

  4. April 3rd, 2008 at 18:15 | #4

    Auuugh sometimes the Google is made of evil. :hugs:

    You guys were smart and went right to the Doctor and I’m sure everything will work out. I’m so sorry though. When it rains it pours, yes? :/ :more hugs!: :super super evil Corgi snuggles even!:

  5. April 3rd, 2008 at 19:00 | #5

    Sometimes the web is not a good thing. But you are investigating, and if Mr. Tvini’s heart is weird, they will find out and take appropriate action.

    On the other hand, I had syncope as a teen/young adult. Used to pass out with un-amusing regularity. And it just went away after a while. It startles people but it can actually be not very serious at all…so here’s hoping.

  6. April 3rd, 2008 at 19:00 | #6

    Sometimes the web is not a good thing. But you are investigating, and if Mr. Tvini’s heart is weird, they will find out and take appropriate action.

    On the other hand, I had syncope as a teen/young adult. Used to pass out with un-amusing regularity. And it just went away after a while. It startles people but it can actually be not very serious at all…so here’s hoping.

  7. April 3rd, 2008 at 19:03 | #7

    Oh no! I’m sure it will be nothing serious (fingers crossed!), but even so! Good luck getting this all straightened out quickly.

  8. April 3rd, 2008 at 19:03 | #8

    Oh no! I’m sure it will be nothing serious (fingers crossed!), but even so! Good luck getting this all straightened out quickly.

  9. April 3rd, 2008 at 19:09 | #9

    That’s very reassuring. Thanks!

  10. April 3rd, 2008 at 19:09 | #10

    That’s very reassuring. Thanks!

  11. April 3rd, 2008 at 19:13 | #11

    Keep us posted. I’ll be thinking of you guys.

  12. April 3rd, 2008 at 19:13 | #12

    Keep us posted. I’ll be thinking of you guys.

  13. April 3rd, 2008 at 20:25 | #13

    Here’s to hoping you’re freaking out for nothing! Totally here to support you, either way.

    Randomly, did you get my email about the MD Sheep and Wool Festival?

  14. April 3rd, 2008 at 20:25 | #14

    Here’s to hoping you’re freaking out for nothing! Totally here to support you, either way.

    Randomly, did you get my email about the MD Sheep and Wool Festival?

  15. April 3rd, 2008 at 23:33 | #15

    God, no kidding! WHAT THE FUCK?

    Good on you for making him go to the doctor right away. I’m sure they’ll get it figured out quickly, it sounds like your doctor knows what he’s talking about. More than Google, I’m sure.

  16. April 3rd, 2008 at 23:33 | #16

    God, no kidding! WHAT THE FUCK?

    Good on you for making him go to the doctor right away. I’m sure they’ll get it figured out quickly, it sounds like your doctor knows what he’s talking about. More than Google, I’m sure.

  17. April 4th, 2008 at 02:24 | #17

    I had the same thing happen to me, complete with twirly arms in the air. I’m not dead yet!

    All Pythonesque kidding aside, it sounds like you’re doing the absolute best things you can in this scary situation. Just lay low for a few days and stay calm.


  18. April 4th, 2008 at 02:24 | #18

    I had the same thing happen to me, complete with twirly arms in the air. I’m not dead yet!

    All Pythonesque kidding aside, it sounds like you’re doing the absolute best things you can in this scary situation. Just lay low for a few days and stay calm.


  19. April 4th, 2008 at 03:21 | #19

    ::hugs:: Keeping good thoughts heading your way!

    Does this mean that we now have proof excersize is bad and evil?

  20. April 4th, 2008 at 03:21 | #20

    ::hugs:: Keeping good thoughts heading your way!

    Does this mean that we now have proof excersize is bad and evil?

  21. April 4th, 2008 at 03:44 | #21

    MEEP! WTF! You know, I used to get swirly lightheaded spells when I was a teenager but never got that looked at. It eventually went away. I didn’t even think to get it diagnosed. Then again, considering where I lived, they would have probably just told me that I was anemic. Which would have been amusing considering I was a ‘big boned’ child.

    ANYWAY. We’re here for you if you need us too. Even if just to yell WTF at us from time to time.

  22. April 4th, 2008 at 03:44 | #22

    MEEP! WTF! You know, I used to get swirly lightheaded spells when I was a teenager but never got that looked at. It eventually went away. I didn’t even think to get it diagnosed. Then again, considering where I lived, they would have probably just told me that I was anemic. Which would have been amusing considering I was a ‘big boned’ child.

    ANYWAY. We’re here for you if you need us too. Even if just to yell WTF at us from time to time.

  23. April 5th, 2008 at 04:09 | #23

    Prayers for Mr. Tvini. Hope this ends up being nothing serious.

  24. April 5th, 2008 at 04:09 | #24

    Prayers for Mr. Tvini. Hope this ends up being nothing serious.

  25. April 10th, 2008 at 07:30 | #25

    and I have an agreement concerning Dr. Google, which is the one of us NOT directly involved in the issue does the searching and then reports back the useful things to the other. This has saved both of us a bunch of unnecessary freaking out.

    I hope they get a handle on what’s going on soon, and that the doc is right in it being no big deal. It’s got to be scary. *hugs*

  26. April 10th, 2008 at 07:30 | #26

    and I have an agreement concerning Dr. Google, which is the one of us NOT directly involved in the issue does the searching and then reports back the useful things to the other. This has saved both of us a bunch of unnecessary freaking out.

    I hope they get a handle on what’s going on soon, and that the doc is right in it being no big deal. It’s got to be scary. *hugs*

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