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Language fun part 12

Tonight, we brought out Victory at Sea, which is a generic Battleship game. In hindsight, I should have sprung for Battleship, because this was the travel version of the game, and it was poorly designed. The grid numbers were the same color as the background and difficult to read, the pegs were in a container that should have snapped open but didn’t, and the ships were difficult to get out of their case. However, a Sharpie fixed the grid issue, and the rest we can work around. But that’s not why I’m posting!

We showed her how to play it. “A hit!” we’d say, and put in a red peg, or “a miss!” and put in a white, explaining how we came to this conclusion. Steve helped her. They teamed up against me. We played until one ship was sunk, because she likes to take these things in small doses.

Then she wanted to play with the board on her own. After a few minutes, she came in to ask me what it was called when you put in a red peg. “A hit,” I replied, and she padded back. Curious, I went to see what she was up to. She was playing that the red pegs were boys and the white were girls.

What I found funny? The white pegs were girls for a reason. They were “misses.” Hee! Clever little monkey.

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  1. August 19th, 2007 at 05:19 | #1

    you know, i love reading these stories about your daughter.

    she sounds like so much fun. you need to bring her to a Browncoat event!


  2. August 19th, 2007 at 05:19 | #2

    you know, i love reading these stories about your daughter.

    she sounds like so much fun. you need to bring her to a Browncoat event!


  3. August 19th, 2007 at 13:39 | #3

    OMG I love it! Kid logic cracks me up, because it often makes so much sense. When I was little, I used to sing that “Ten Little Indians” counting song that’s probably completely offensive now. “One little, two little, three little Indians, four little five little six little Indians…” But when I got to the end, Mom said I would add two words to the end so it was “Ten little Indian boys AND GIRLS.” Budding little feminist?

  4. August 19th, 2007 at 13:39 | #4

    OMG I love it! Kid logic cracks me up, because it often makes so much sense. When I was little, I used to sing that “Ten Little Indians” counting song that’s probably completely offensive now. “One little, two little, three little Indians, four little five little six little Indians…” But when I got to the end, Mom said I would add two words to the end so it was “Ten little Indian boys AND GIRLS.” Budding little feminist?

  5. August 19th, 2007 at 16:06 | #5

    I did, not too long ago! We had a cookout at Latta Park here in Charlotte. It’s got a splash pad that the kids can run around in, so that was good in the heat. Some of the Charlotte Fan Force (Star Wars fans) came. We talked about our Browncoat Ball bid. It was nic to have a family-friendly event. 🙂

    I dunno if you can see photos in our Yahoo group or not, but it’s here. My daughter is not pictured, as she was down running around in the water.

  6. August 19th, 2007 at 16:06 | #6

    I did, not too long ago! We had a cookout at Latta Park here in Charlotte. It’s got a splash pad that the kids can run around in, so that was good in the heat. Some of the Charlotte Fan Force (Star Wars fans) came. We talked about our Browncoat Ball bid. It was nic to have a family-friendly event. 🙂

    I dunno if you can see photos in our Yahoo group or not, but it’s here. My daughter is not pictured, as she was down running around in the water.

  7. August 19th, 2007 at 23:17 | #7

    ‘Misses’!! I love it!!

  8. August 19th, 2007 at 23:17 | #8

    ‘Misses’!! I love it!!

  9. August 20th, 2007 at 18:39 | #9

    Cute! I have a kid logic story too. My 5 year old was trying to come up with the next word in the series “first, second…” and after some thought, offered “thrith?” No, but it DOES make sense, in a way.

  10. August 20th, 2007 at 18:39 | #10

    Cute! I have a kid logic story too. My 5 year old was trying to come up with the next word in the series “first, second…” and after some thought, offered “thrith?” No, but it DOES make sense, in a way.

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