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I got a call from my favorite hair stylist a couple of days ago saying that she was moving to California and asking if I wanted to get my hair cut. Yes! It had been since April that I got it cut. I had tried to get hold of her just before Simucon, but no luck. So I went to see her today. My hair was significantly longer than my usual “razored at the neck” cut, so she kept the length. My new cut looks… pretty much like my old cut. Hm. Well, it’s still better.

Went and saw my daughter’s dance recital today. It was all pretty princesses and tea parties. Not quite as horrifyingly stereotypical as last year, so that’s something. Bella Abzug probably isn’t so much spinning in her grave as gently rolling.

We stopped at Starbucks afterward, and on the way out of the parking lot, I got pulled for expired tags. Like, expired in May. Oops. I had pulled into a spot, so Emily started to get out of the car and walk back to the police car, so I got her back in. The officer was smiling at her. It was a minor ticket that I can go and get fixed without an insurance ding when my new tags come in. I don’t know if he overlooked the outdated inspection because of the pretty princess ballerina in the back or not, but it never hurts to have Emily in the car for this stuff. No one can resist her charms!

Tonight, more knitting on Emily’s sweater while watching disc 3 of “The Best of Larry Sanders” (from Netflix). The hubby will be going out for coffee with his friend, who is moving out of town next week. There’s a Browncoat gathering to go and watch a new Alan Tudyk movie, but I’d rather my man get in his last hurrahs with his friend.

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