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Poor Boo

Emily has been coughing all week, but we decided she was well enough to go to schoool anyway. However, after blowing out her pipes last night in concert, her cough had a different tenor today. So she’s staying home. This means I get more exchanges like this:

Emily: Today I have a new favorite body part!
Me: Oh? What is it?
Emily: It’s my nose.
Me: Why is your nose your new favorite body part?
Emily: Because I smell!

Hee! I just gave her a bath last night, honest. Anyway, I’m staying in with her. I didn’t have too many errands to run anyway, having gone all over town yesterday. I even ran into a guy I used to work with, Pat from WJZY-TV. He seems to be doing quite well. It was nice to see a face from a life gone by and catch up on old co-workers.

Today: writing for DR, working on packaging, more knitting, and finding a little pink plastic toy that my daughter seems to have lost. Yeesh.

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