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A big slice of cutie pie!

Tonight was Emily’s spring program. Usually she sings the entire program to us for weeks beforehand, so we know exactly what’s coming, but this time she didn’t do that so we were surprised. Really surprised. Our daughter walked out on stage with a giant cardboard slice of pepperoni pizza around her neck! A starring role for our daughter? Wow! She and three or four other second graders went to the front of the group for one song and did this jumping twisting dance while wearing their pizza slices. What a hoot!

The other pizza slices were down front for the main program, and she was off to the side. I couldn’t figure out why, unless they were keeping her aside because they were worried about how she’d act. This isn’t a valid concern. She’s never ever had a problem in a performance of any kind. Later, we did find out why. She was a fill-in pizza slice. The person who was originally supposed to be the pizza slice didn’t come, so ten minutes before time, she got the part. The role of a lifetime! So she still had her original spot on the bleachers, she just got to take center stage for the semi-solo.

All I’m saying is that every year on the night of her Spring program it rains, and this year was no exception. One has to wonder if the rain kept the original pizza slice home. I don’t know how she’s doing it, but I’m pretty sure she’s been engineering her big break all along. It’s just like All About Eve, I tell you.

Two minutes after we were seated, I realized we’d forgotten the camera, so sadly I have no pictures of my daughter the deep dish pepperoni to show you. Just trust me. It was the cutest. thing. ever.

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  1. April 20th, 2007 at 15:58 | #1

    Awww!! That sounds absolutely adorable! This coming from a veteran of school performances.

    Today Pizza … tomorrow Broadway!

  2. April 20th, 2007 at 15:58 | #2

    Awww!! That sounds absolutely adorable! This coming from a veteran of school performances.

    Today Pizza … tomorrow Broadway!

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