
Archive for May 10th, 2009

FO: Waves from the top Bookmark

May 10th, 2009 6 comments
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Mother’s Day

May 10th, 2009 14 comments

Last night I had nightmares all night. In one, my mother had been unjustly convicted of stealing fine art and sentenced to three years in prison in New Zealand. I think my brain picked New Zealand because that’s as far away from here as you can get and still stay on the planet, although I was staying in New Zealand to work on her release. I had done a documentary on this particular prison, so I knew it wasn’t as bad as it could be, because I could still send her books. Turns out she was going to a different one that didn’t allow books. Talk about torture! I was hatching elaborate schemes to send magazines (which were allowed) and somehow smuggle in short stories disguised as feature articles. It was all very disturbing.

I guess all this means that I love my mom and would hate be separated from her. I think she’ll get an extra big hug when I see her today.

Sandy on swing

Happy Mother’s Day!

(Please stay away from New Zealand.)

ETA: My mother the comedian just called.

Me: Hello?
Her: Now, they’re only giving me one phone call…


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