
Archive for March 26th, 2009

Laadddiiiiees and Gentlemennnn!!!

March 26th, 2009 4 comments

Em came home from school yesterday with a free kid’s admission ticket to the Cole Brothers Circus which will be in a nearby town early next week. She was excited about it. Then today she got in the car and said, “I had a great day today! Did you see my circus ticket?”

I guess we’re going to the circus! But here’s an example of how strong her worry over new things is. The circus is in town Monday and Tuesday and I asked her if she wanted to go one of those days. She picked Tuesday. So as psyched as she is about going, she’s still nervous enough that she doesn’t want to go NOW, she wants to psych herself up for it. I’m sure once we’re there, she’ll be fine, although there will surely be a great deal of noise and lights and chaos. As always, if she wants to leave partway through that’ll be fine. As long as I get my cotton candy.

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