
Archive for November, 2008

Jayne flourishes

November 13th, 2008 No comments

Jayne note

By now everybody reading this knows that I sell Jayne hats at Part of the packaging is the note that Jayne’s mom wrote to him, which he read when he received his hat. Sometimes people are delightedly surprised at how non-computer-generated the note looks and ask if their note is handwritten.

Yes. Yes it is. Every single time. Nothing but the best for my “Jaynes.”

I missed the post office on Monday by about five seconds, it was closed on Tuesday, I had jury duty on Wednesday, so today I literally have more packages than I can carry that need to go out. I apologize in advance to any poor schmoe who gets stuck behind me in line at the post office. And now, I’m out the door!

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FO: Crazy Groove legwarmers

November 13th, 2008 4 comments

rainbow legwarmers tube
Crazy Groove Legwarmers
Yarn: 1/2 ball Schachenmayr nomotta Regia Stretch Crazy Color, Colorway “Crazy Groove” 119.
Needles: Size 2 needles for body, size 1 for ribbing.
Gauge: 7.5 sts per inch.
Comments: 40 st caston over a size 3 needle for looseness, approx 1 inch of ribbing on size 1 needles, switching to size 2’s for the body. These were made to fit little legs 6.5″ around to a length of 9.5″. I realized this morning that someone had sent me a mailing tube 6.75 inches around, which was handy for checking size.
rainbow legwarmers done
They match! It’s a minor miracle! Both came from one ball. I got lucky that the color repeat started over at that point without me having to cut a lot of yarn out.

This yarn was a little scratchy off the ball, but after a wash and machine dry it softened up some. It’s a stretch yarn, so I wasn’t expecting gauge to grow, and thankfully it didn’t! I don’t want the recipient to have to follow elaborate care instructions, so it’s great that it stood up to the machine so well. The fiber content is 70% superwash wool, 23% nylon, 7% polyester so it ought to stand up to a lot of punishment.

If you’re on Ravelry, the Ravelry project page is here although there’s not really any info there that isn’t already in this post.

I owe my friend two more sets of legwarmers in different colors, but this is a start. I feel better having gotten something out this year, at least!

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Jury duty, 9:45am

November 12th, 2008 10 comments

Lot of glare from the window behind me, and Facebook is blocked from the county courthouse, but at least they have a semiquiet area where the Golden Girls aren’t blaring at TOP volume. This area is much, much nicer than the old courtroom, though. My needles got through without a second glance, although I of course had to power on my laptop.

An hour of videos about jury service, and we’re taking a brief break before they start calling jurors. I’ve knitted about an inch on my sock. I didn’t want to bring Jayne knitting because I didn’t want any hats or much-needed Jayne hat needles confiscated by the Alliance.

I’ve got a headache, but not a huge one, so things are going pretty well. I don’t want to jinx it, but so far this isn’t too bad. Back to reading John Scalzi and knitting socks.

ETA: Moments after typing that, I was called for a jury in a looooong trial. Thankfully, I was excused. Back to the “quiet” area, which is currently blasting out The Bucket List at top volume. Did I mention that the “quiet” area was right next to the bathrooms? It is hard, however, to complain about a jury selection room that provides free wireless, a snack area, and free popcorn with its afternoon movie, which is shown on a gigantic flat screen TV. This really is luxurious.

ETA-again: Got called AGAIN and excused at the last possible minute. WOO! I’ve done my civic duty for another two years!

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Some lessons bear repeating.

November 9th, 2008 2 comments

1944 crochet hats
Summer 1944 McCall’s magazine. Remember: just because you CAN crochet something, it doesn’t mean you SHOULD crochet something.

Sorry for the lack of updates recently – remember, I have evil hand issues – but there’s been stuff going on, no worries. Today Em and I went to a local production of Annie, Jr.. Our seats were in the next to the last row, and Em couldn’t see great swaths of the production. We moved to another set of seats about 3/4 of the way through the show and things went more smoothly. Em had a great time and wants to go again. It’s playing next weekend, so sure. Em loves theater. I feel better about spending that money on tickets than on another doll.

Jayne hats are chugging along. When my gauge and tension mess up due to evil hand issues – for instance, when a 24″ hat comes out 23″ – I just assign it to the next person of that size in the queue. It means folks are getting stuff out of order, but at least they’re getting stuff. The queue is actually just under 20 now, which is a minor miracle. I’ve had to order another large amount of earflap red, and consequently may have to temporarily stop ordering kits so that I’m sure I’ve got enough for my finished hat clients. We’ll see.

Non-Jayne on the needles: little legwarmers, pictured right. They’re around a pill bottle which is much larger than it appears, I assure you. I’m waiting to hear back from the client on whether these colors are what they had in mind. The yarn is Regia Stretch, so it ought to fit well. I am very skeptical that I can get the second one to stripe up identically to the first one, so I may go completely in the opposite direction, depending on what the client tells me she prefers.

Pardon, I need to go check on some Smurf cobbler which is currently baking. When blackberries are on sale, you’ve got to seize the moment!

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Pretty cunning!

November 6th, 2008 18 comments

I was updating my “who gets the next hat” spreadsheet today and realized that I passed a milestone last last month without even noticing it.

I have now sold more than 1000 Jayne hats and kits. WOOOOOO!!!

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November 5th, 2008 18 comments

Someone stole my Obama sign! I mean, I know the election’s over, and I was going to take it down today, but what the hell? It was there at 1:45 when I went to pick up my kid and gone at 2pm when I got back. All that remained was the metal posts. They just lifted the sign right off and left me the trash to deal with.

Prime suspects:

  • irritated McCain supporters
  • Obama souvenir hunters
  • the Evil Hand

Very, very weird.

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Pure and simple from the eighth dimension!

November 5th, 2008 6 comments

Tvini: My hand is apparently making me knit tighter, so the 23″ hat I thought I made is only 22″ and now I’m behind again.
Mr. Tvini: At least your hand isn’t making you kill people or something.
Tvini: yet.
Mr. Tvini: o.O
Tvini: heh.

Maybe that’s it. Maybe it’s one of those evil hands like Lindsay had on Angel. It’s just that it’s only slightly evil. More on the order of “neglect to put on my turn signal” or “fail to put a penny in the ‘need a penny/take a penny’ bowl.” I’m just glad it wasn’t evil while I was operating the touch screen voting machine. That coulda been bad. I mean, NC is still listed as too close to call, but with an evil hand in the mix… brr.

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Yes we can.

November 5th, 2008 10 comments

I don’t mind telling you I shed a tear or two. That was a hell of a speech.

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D&D Week 5

November 4th, 2008 12 comments

DM: 3 of the folks aren’t coming cause of the election.
Me: Wimps!
DM: I know! More fire on them next week

Tune in next week, folks, when someone other than me may catch fire!

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I hate Barbie.

November 4th, 2008 4 comments

I just walked in the door from the grocery store to hear my daughter singing “Oops… I Did It Again” by Britney Spears. Mr. Tvini asked her where she heard it, and she said it was from Barbie. Sure enough, it’s on Mattel’s Barbie website.

You know what I didn’t need to hear my daughter doing at age 9? Singing “I’m not that innocent!”

I may have to declare a fatwa on Barbie. Although Em’s attention span is pretty short, she’s already moving on to “What I Like About You.” The attraction seems to be that they have the lyrics printed up, karaoke style. She really, really like to see lyrics, and to read closed captioning with her movies. Helps her keep up. She’s faithfully transcribing the lyrics from computer onto a sheet of paper.

In other news, there’s a new neighborhood cat that keeps coming around the house, much to our indoor cat’s fascination. At right: Nerys and the night visitor. It looks just like her, except it’s gray. In the low light, it’s tough to tell a difference. “Kill us both, Spock!”

Finger update: swollen and gross. Still tough to type around. I’m not knitting any Jayne hats today, because even if I’m the only one who knows that the yarn would be rubbing up against huge poison ivy blisters, I have too much respect for my Jayne customers to do that to them. Ew. Ew ew ew.

Mr. Tvini works on the tech side in the newspaper business, so he’ll be leaving for work soon so he can spend the evening up there in case anything goes kerflooey. I think at this point, he doesn’t care who wins, as long as it’s a landslide and he can come home early and get to sleep. I’m in agreement, except that I’m a little more definite on whom I want to win. Gobama!

Okay, time to stop agitating my finger. Now there’s a statement you don’t hear every day. Later!

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