
Archive for September 8th, 2008


September 8th, 2008 No comments

My fever is down, but I’m still rocking a pretty good headache. Rather than wind and pack germy kits, I’m taking a day off from the Jayne hat mines. Also, I’m still waiting for my new glasses to come in, so I can only look at the computer so long before everything goes blurry. I’ll try to answer e-mails tonight.

In the meantime, here are a few links.

Take heart! You’re not fat, you’re just really smart.

Frankentoile. Love it.

Military warnings worth heeding.

Alternative uses for Post-It notes.

I’ve nearly finished turning the heel on my first S’Mores sock, so as my eyes permit, I’ll be doing that. Also, calling the optometrist.

Later, taters!

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