
Archive for November 23rd, 2007


November 23rd, 2007 6 comments

Yeah, that Jayne hat’s not looking so silly now, is it? Man, that cracks me up. I might have to knit me one o’ them.

Speaking of Jayne hats, here’s the first of several non-orange Jayne hats. The color is a bit richer than the picture indicates. The person who commissioned these was concerned about the Lamb’s Pride itchiness, so I’m subbing Berroco Ultra Alpaca doubled. It knits up at 4 stitches to the inch on size 9 needles. It’s a little dense, but any bigger of a needle and it’s too loose, so I’ll stick with this. I’m a little concerned – by my calculations, this is 22 inches around and it’s for a 24 inch head. Is that enough negative ease? I worry about little things, and I always get nervous when they feel loose anyway. Of course it’s supposed to be loose on me, I don’t have a 24 inch head, but I still get nervous. The next one’ll be for a head 23 inches in circumference, and maybe I’ll snug it up a bit more. In my experience, people tend to measure their heads a little big.

Emily picked out the yarn for her doll. The body will be the same color as the others, but she felt compelled to choose the hair from among the colors at the yarn shop… so hot pink it is! I have a few more red options here at home which I will present to her, but I know from experience that once she’s picked something, she’s set on it. And that’s fine. It’s her doll, and if she wants it to have hot pink hair, then it will have hot pink hair.

I’m off in a few minutes to hit the post office to mail some Turino silk, then another yarn shop looking for a good green in Ultra Alpaca – with a stop at a coffeeshop along the way for a pick-me-up. Thanksgiving left me beat!

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