
Archive for October, 2006

Dyeing in the microwave.

October 16th, 2006 4 comments

This weekend, I took a two-day workshop sponsored by the Charlotte Knitting Guild. It was taught by Merike Saarniit of Liisu yarns. With the browser crash that ate my post the first time I tried to write this, the sparkling text has been wrung right out of me. Therefore, I’ll just pass along my husband’s “witty” comment, repeated over the entire week: “I have to laugh every time you say you’re going to learn how to die in the microwave.”

Day one was dyeing yarn, day two was knitting with hand-dyed yarn, emphasizing using contrasting yarns and stitch patterns that may help reduce pooling. A good time was had by all!

With no further ado, on to the pics.

Many, many pics below cut. Click on them for larger views.

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Dye dye dye!

October 15th, 2006 No comments

Had a great time this weekend at a two-day workshop sponsored by the Charlotte Knitting Guild. Day one: dyeing yarn. Day two: knitting with hand-dyed yarn, including Estonian stitch patterns. I’ll post when I’m less wiped out.

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I may never sleep again.

October 12th, 2006 14 comments

This morning, my daughter got up at 6am as usual, so I groggily woke up, got her some cereal and then plopped back into bed to steal another 30 minutes of sleep.

While I was in bed just now and she was in the den, she let out three of the most blood-curdling terrified horror movie screams I have ever heard come out of anyone’s mouth. I was out the bedroom door without my feet ever hitting the ground. Then she shouted “OH NO OH NO OH NO! THERE’S SOMETHING ON MY LEG IT SHOULDN’T BE ON IT!” while pelting down the hall. By the time we met, there was nothing there. I didn’t see anything on her legs but her usual bumps and bruises. So she showed me the bottom of her foot.

“It isn’t a bug!” she said hopefully. And she was right.

The panic-inducing culprit? An inch-long piece of straw from packing a Jayne hat last night.

Well, at least I’m wide awake now.

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I’m alive!

October 11th, 2006 No comments

I’ve been working to get ahead of the knitting order line again, so haven’t had a chance to update for the last couple of days. I do have a really cute FO (finished object) that I posted about in the knitting community, but it’ll be a bit before I can put it up here.

Am also working with a Dragonrealms wedding client – it’s always nice when someone asks whether the LOOK on an item they want is too long, and it’s actually a reasonable length. It bodes well for the rest of the worksheet.

What a ho-hum entry. When I’m less tired, I’ll have to post about the nearly deserted Comalapa Salvadoran/Honduran restaurant and the waitress who spoke no English. That’s LJ-worthy.

Hats up next for Canada, Canada, and Illinois.

Off to bed!

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Branching Out finally done!

October 7th, 2006 12 comments

Nathan Fillion on LOST?

October 6th, 2006 24 comments

Oh yeah, baby! Nathan Fillion on LOST! (Light spoiler in link) (spoiler-less link)


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Stitch markers, golf clubs, and Jayne hats

October 5th, 2006 14 comments
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The Last Knitter

October 4th, 2006 8 comments

My dad shared this with me, and now I have to share it with you. He asked if I was turning into this woman.

Whaddya mean, “turning into?” I already AM this woman!

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Monstera’s REVENGE!

October 2nd, 2006 20 comments
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Monstera: The Quickening!

October 1st, 2006 6 comments

AIEEEE!! It’s escaped!!

Oh, no. Wait. False alarm. It just ripened.

Texture: creamy, firm, and pockmarked, like the love child of a plantain and Edward James Olmos. Odor: Extremely strong tropical fruit smell. Like the Dole factory floor in July.

At this point, it’s ready to eat. Unfortunately, we were booked up all day yesterday and didn’t have time to set up containment facilities required by the protocols for dealing with extraterrestrial fruits. It’s in the refrigerator, loosely tied in a plastic shopping bag. Hopefully the cold will slow its growth. Hey, it worked for The Blob.

Tonight, we’ll perform the surgery. God help us all.

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