
Archive for April, 2006


April 4th, 2006 12 comments

Ze baby pullover, she eez done.

In spite of what it looks like, the sleeves really are exactly the same length.

Pattern: “Knitting Pure and Simple” Baby Pullover #214
Yarn: 1 strand Lorna’s Laces worsted in denim, 1 strand Lorna’s Laces sock in Lakeview.
Yardage: 193 yards
Needles: #9 for stockinette, #6 for ribbing on body, #7 DPN for ribbing on cuffs of sleeves, #9 to bind off.
Gauge: 4 stitches per inch
Used ribbing instead of rolled stockinette for edging.

This is supposedly the smallest size, 6 months, but it looks bigger than that to me. I held it up to one of my daughter’s old 3-month-old onesies and it dwarfed it. All to the good – the mother should be able to use it when it gets cool again.

When I started this, I was a little worried about it fitting over a baby’s head, but it can fit over this guy’s head without smooshing it, so I think we’re good.

I considered not blocking this, but the ribbing on the bottom is a little flippy. I did four rows instead of three, but it wasn’t enough to stabilize it – or else I should have decreased a couple of stitches to help it come in a little more. On the other hand, baby bellies are soft and round, so maybe it’s okay.

Now I’m trying to find a baby sock pattern to use up the remaining 37 yards of sock yarn, but most list the number of ounces instead of yards. We’ll see what turns up.

Next up: Hat on the needles for Michigan, then the UK and North Carolina!

(crossposted to )

It’s a boy.

April 2nd, 2006 8 comments

The baby I was knitting for came into the world a few days early, arriving yesterday. Eh, I knew I was cutting it close!

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Slow day.

April 2nd, 2006 No comments

The baby pullover proceeds apace. I did a rolled edge bottom, but it looked like it was rolling up to belly-baring proportions, so I changed it to a ribbed hem instead, and made the neckline to match. If I do this again, I’ll probably work it so that there’s a little button in the back so that it’ll be easier to get a huge baby melon through. However, the bind-off is nice and loose, so I don’t think there’ll be any problems with head squeeze-age. Even though the pattern says this is six-month size, it looks more like 9-12 months to me. Here’s hoping I don’t run out of yarn on the sleeves.

Nice Spring day. Watch out for rogue water balloons!

Sweaters and songs.

April 1st, 2006 8 comments

Man, this sucker is zipping right along. Aside from a couple of rows, this is all from last night.

I think I overestimated the time I’d need, based on how long it took me to do this little devil in fall 2004:

Main differences: the above was larger and made of Manos Cotton Stria, which is lovely but a bitch to work with. But still: awwww.

At any rate, I’m kind of wishing that I’d done a conventional seamed garment instead, since they tend to drape better. However, I’m not going to stop, because a) I tend to fiddle with designs until the last minute, then wind up with no time left and I’m determined not do to that this time, and b) how much drape does an infant need in their clothes? It’s not like the kid’s going to be on the catwalk.

And now, non-knitting-related questions!

The other day, I was doing the dishes. We have no dishwasher, so this involves me up to my elbows in hot, soapy water. My daughter came into the kitchen and said, “Mommy, you need to sing.” I asked her if she had anything in particular in mind, and she said, “A song.” “Any song?” “Yes, any song.” So I began to sing, and then, satisfied, she walked back out.

Like my mother, I sing while I’m doing dishes or hanging out clothes. My daughter is apparently so used to it, that if I’m not singing, it’s something strange that needs to be fixed.

I sing folk songs like “Molly Malone” and some standards like “When You’re Smiling,” and I tend to run through most of the same songs every time. There’s kind of a default selection of songs that I sing, although I do branch out.

So my questions are these: Do you sing while you’re cleaning? While you’re doing other mindless tasks? What sorts of things do you like to sing while you’re doing? What sorts of songs do you sing? Do you mix it up, or return to the same songs or genre as a rule? Do you have any other habits you do while you’re performing basic tasks? Share with the group!