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Sweaters and songs.

Man, this sucker is zipping right along. Aside from a couple of rows, this is all from last night.

I think I overestimated the time I’d need, based on how long it took me to do this little devil in fall 2004:

Main differences: the above was larger and made of Manos Cotton Stria, which is lovely but a bitch to work with. But still: awwww.

At any rate, I’m kind of wishing that I’d done a conventional seamed garment instead, since they tend to drape better. However, I’m not going to stop, because a) I tend to fiddle with designs until the last minute, then wind up with no time left and I’m determined not do to that this time, and b) how much drape does an infant need in their clothes? It’s not like the kid’s going to be on the catwalk.

And now, non-knitting-related questions!

The other day, I was doing the dishes. We have no dishwasher, so this involves me up to my elbows in hot, soapy water. My daughter came into the kitchen and said, “Mommy, you need to sing.” I asked her if she had anything in particular in mind, and she said, “A song.” “Any song?” “Yes, any song.” So I began to sing, and then, satisfied, she walked back out.

Like my mother, I sing while I’m doing dishes or hanging out clothes. My daughter is apparently so used to it, that if I’m not singing, it’s something strange that needs to be fixed.

I sing folk songs like “Molly Malone” and some standards like “When You’re Smiling,” and I tend to run through most of the same songs every time. There’s kind of a default selection of songs that I sing, although I do branch out.

So my questions are these: Do you sing while you’re cleaning? While you’re doing other mindless tasks? What sorts of things do you like to sing while you’re doing? What sorts of songs do you sing? Do you mix it up, or return to the same songs or genre as a rule? Do you have any other habits you do while you’re performing basic tasks? Share with the group!

  1. April 1st, 2006 at 17:29 | #1

    I get incredibly bored while I’m cleaning around the house, so cleaning time is often also singing and dancing time. I tend to listen to pretty loud rock or musicals . . . usually the former, since it’s hard to dance to musical numbers and clean at the same time. There’s nothing like cleaning to sounds of Bon Jovi or Boston 😀

  2. April 1st, 2006 at 17:29 | #2

    I get incredibly bored while I’m cleaning around the house, so cleaning time is often also singing and dancing time. I tend to listen to pretty loud rock or musicals . . . usually the former, since it’s hard to dance to musical numbers and clean at the same time. There’s nothing like cleaning to sounds of Bon Jovi or Boston 😀

  3. April 1st, 2006 at 19:06 | #3

    Hmmm, I tend to have conversations with myself while I’m cleaning, where I work out things that bug me. I think it comes from a lifetime of being an only child and talking to myself.

    I’ll sing too, sometimes. Usually show tunes. Because torturing the dogs is fun.

  4. April 1st, 2006 at 19:06 | #4

    Hmmm, I tend to have conversations with myself while I’m cleaning, where I work out things that bug me. I think it comes from a lifetime of being an only child and talking to myself.

    I’ll sing too, sometimes. Usually show tunes. Because torturing the dogs is fun.

  5. April 2nd, 2006 at 11:43 | #5

    Depends on if I want to zone or Zen. If I want to get in that area that’ll keep me working longest and best, I turn on the music — loud — and sing and dance with it. Old rock ‘n’ roll suits me best. I get a lot done then. But if I’m doing something that requires some concentration and I want to turn off my brain and just let things flow, then I either go with the silence or put on some music that is background only.

  6. April 2nd, 2006 at 11:43 | #6

    Depends on if I want to zone or Zen. If I want to get in that area that’ll keep me working longest and best, I turn on the music — loud — and sing and dance with it. Old rock ‘n’ roll suits me best. I get a lot done then. But if I’m doing something that requires some concentration and I want to turn off my brain and just let things flow, then I either go with the silence or put on some music that is background only.

  7. April 2nd, 2006 at 16:26 | #7

    Like everyone else I don’t spontaneously burst into song without provocation, but I do sing along to the CD player sometimes. Only when I’m alone in the house so I can turn the volume up loud enough to drown myself out. I sing to my collection of eight personal burned CDs (appropriately titled Jenni One, Jenni Two, etc. all the way through to Jenni the Eighth I Am) which cover everything from Lennon to Nickelback with stops at Mary Chapin Carpenter and the Smashing Pumpkins.

    If I ever sing without professional accompaniment, it’s the filk from Mercedes Lackey’s books. Particularly the prelude to Sun and Shadow, since it’s the only one I’ve memorized all the verses. I do have the cassette tape (I bought that back in the 80s before there was a CD of it available, and by the time CDs were popular I didn’t care enough anymore to upgrade) but I rarely actually listen to it. I should dig that out. I have four of them, I think… Heralds Harpers and Havoc (and it surprises me that I remember that title off the top of my head), the one from the Vanyel books, and two from Oathbound and Oathbreakers.

  8. April 2nd, 2006 at 16:26 | #8

    Like everyone else I don’t spontaneously burst into song without provocation, but I do sing along to the CD player sometimes. Only when I’m alone in the house so I can turn the volume up loud enough to drown myself out. I sing to my collection of eight personal burned CDs (appropriately titled Jenni One, Jenni Two, etc. all the way through to Jenni the Eighth I Am) which cover everything from Lennon to Nickelback with stops at Mary Chapin Carpenter and the Smashing Pumpkins.

    If I ever sing without professional accompaniment, it’s the filk from Mercedes Lackey’s books. Particularly the prelude to Sun and Shadow, since it’s the only one I’ve memorized all the verses. I do have the cassette tape (I bought that back in the 80s before there was a CD of it available, and by the time CDs were popular I didn’t care enough anymore to upgrade) but I rarely actually listen to it. I should dig that out. I have four of them, I think… Heralds Harpers and Havoc (and it surprises me that I remember that title off the top of my head), the one from the Vanyel books, and two from Oathbound and Oathbreakers.

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