
Archive for August 11th, 2004

August 11th, 2004 No comments

At your ten year high school reunion… by robbiewriter
Your school name
Your name
Your job will be Porn star
You will be worth $103,504
Everyone will think you gained 50 lbs
Quiz created with MemeGen!

Well, they got the “50 pounds” part right, at least.

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Day one of the Maryland trip!

August 11th, 2004 12 comments

I wasn’t in the door five minutes before Ceosanna was flashing me.

Actually, she was showing me a trick where her cat climbs up her body and onto her shoulder, but the cat got a claw stuck in the shirt and flashed me a little brassiere. I could tell right away this cat and I were going to get along well.

Ceosanna showed me around their fabulous house, and then we settled in to talk and wait for Tessima. And wait. And wait. And wait. Finally, Tessima called and said she was running late. This was at about 10pm, so we had sort of figured as much. We said, “Sure, no hurry, come on!” and then settled in to watch Iron Chef. I knitted some on a bag I was working on, and we chatted about dogs and cats and guys, not necessarily in that order. To keep the cat from my knitting, I pulled out a strand of blue Coconut, an extremely fuzzy yarn, and Ceosanna teased the cat with it. It tagged her, catching her on the finger. I don’t know what this cat has against her.

Tessima called again, this time saying that she was zonked. We encouraged her to pull in, since we didn’t want her getting killed on the highway. She said she’d join us at about ten the next morning. We made loose plans to visit a yarn shop and also to hit her favorite Chinese food place. It was going to be a pretty flexible day. Ceosanna and I stayed up a bit longer and watched some more Iron Chef, but really, we were both pretty bushed, so we turned in. Since Tessima had been so inconsiderate as to get stuck in traffic, I took the room with the comfy bed, and nyah nyah to her.

All in all, a very pleasant evening with a very pleasant hostess.

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