
Archive for May 28th, 2009


May 28th, 2009 2 comments

Em’s spring program went well. She played the recorder and sang, and I have some pics which I think came out well but I haven’t uploaded them yet.

Unfortunately, the program started at 7 and by about 7:30 at night, my daughter is usually pretty tired and ready to start winding down for the night. She yawned her way through the program. There was a local belly-dancing group who performed first – really! Then there were some technical difficulties with music playback which slowed things, and the program was a little long for her. She had a good time, but after a disappointment (she wanted to pick up a book after the program but the room selling books was closed) she was in tears before we left the building. She was just overtired. We got home and I got her a snack while she unwound a bit. She was already fading, asking “why do people have to sleeeeep?” and other similar questions.

She got to bed at around 8:45 but any little thing that went wrong would send her back into tears. She cried in bed for over an hour. I kid you not. Lest anyone think I am hard-hearted, going in to help was counter-productive, as she didn’t want me to help, no matter how phlegmy she got. What she really needed was sleep and me helping just woke her up more. She was just too tired to sleep. Her statement, “I don’t like anything!” really summed up the situation.

She woke up again about 11:30 and cried for another 15 minutes. Poor kid. She is not a night person under the best of circumstances, and while the program was enjoyable for her, all the activity and commotion was just too much. My husband and I agree that if this keeps up and she’s not doing well tomorrow, she doesn’t have to go to school. Down side: the school was going to arrange for her to get the book she wanted tomorrow, so if she doesn’t go…

Well, we’ll see what we can do. Right now she’s asleep again so I’m going to try to sleep too. Her being awake and crying makes me tense and frustrated, so it’s best to catch a few Z’s while I can.

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