
Posts Tagged ‘shedir’

Knittin’ and stuff.

March 21st, 2006 8 comments

Call me old-fashioned, but I like the first few days of Spring to be filled with flowers and sunshine, not wind and sleet. I went a mile on the treadmill this morning, because the weather was unpleasant. Fortunately, I have discovered the wonder of podcasts, and so I listened to a “best of NPR” type selection which was pleasant. I hope to check out knitcast tomorrow. Unfortunately, I think I need some noise-cancelling headphones. I’m uneasy with turning up the old earbuds that high to overcome the roar of the treadmill.

It looks like my swappee from the fibergoddaughter swap isn’t going to be able to post pics anytime soon, so here’s one item that I sent her that I thought was kind of nifty.

It’s felted soap, which is just roving wet-felted around a bar of soap. So it’s a bar of nifty soap encased in its own washcloth, basically. It lathers GREAT. If you squeeze it out between uses, it does last a nice long time. I’ve used this stuff and I love it. I may have to make myself some more soon. Heck, I make some for others, if there’s demand.

Knitted another repeat of the cable pattern on Shedir, which is looking much better to my eye now that I can see its shape emerging. I’m alternating using cable needles and not using them, just because sometimes it feels unwieldy to do some of the crosses without them. I’m happy with it so far. (, if you look closely, you’ll see that I’m using your stitch markers. Thanks again!)

I’m watching “A History of Violence,” which should be titled “A History of People Getting Parts Of Their Face Shot Off In Gory Closeup.” William Hurt hasn’t even shown up yet, and you just know he can ramp up the crazy factor by a power of ten. Good movie, don’t get me wrong, but I’m off of hamburger for a while for sure.

Jayne hats are chugging along. , you’re #2 on the list!

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March 17th, 2006 6 comments

As time went on last night, the hair got more and more rounded at the sides, until I resembled a Powerpuff Girl. Specifically Buttercup.

Which PPG are you?

I showered and blew it dry today, and it just wasn’t getting any better, so I have an appointment tomorrow for them to fix it. I thought maybe I could salvage it, or learn to like it… but no. If I had to pick one word for this haircut, aside from “bad,” it would be “dowdy.” Yesterday’s decade-old picture aside, I currently have a round body and a round head, I do not need a round haircut to complete the set.

And speaking of hair, check out the stylin’ newly discovered lobster! People in various fiber communities were speculating as to whether you could spin up the fur. Me, I just think it’s cool.

And speaking of fiber… okay, that was a weak segue, but just go with it… a local yarn store just started carrying Rowan Calmer. Usually I’m a big snob when it comes to acrylic, but this is such a soft, springy cotton/acrylic blend that I couldn’t pass it up. I’ve been wanting to knit Knitty’s Shedir anyway, and it only takes one ball. So in honor of St. Patrick’s Day, I’m working on a khaki green cabled cap.

For some of it I’ve cabled without a cable needle, but those bits have tended to be sloppier-looking. I’m trying to decide whether to plow on through and potentially pick up a handy new technique, or to make it look nicer with a needle. In the long run, perfecting up a new technique would be good. We’ll see how it goes.

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