
Posts Tagged ‘charity’ care package

January 19th, 2005 8 comments

Some of y’all know that I occasionally send care packages to guys and gals overseas through (Politically, if I leaned any further left, I’d fall down, but I absolutely want to support these individual men and women who are far from home, working on behalf of our country.) Well, one guy in particular has been super about writing back. Which, happily, works to his benefit because then I want to send him and his buddies more stuff. “This Is Spinal Tap” is next up to go out. Sidetracking, if you haven’t seen the DVD of this, you really, really should. The commentary is done by the cast members as if they were in the band. So it’s Nigel and the rest doing the commentary, and it is freakin’ hilarious! I highly recommend it.

Aaaanyway, getting back on track. I had mentioned in a recent mail that my daughter had been sick on Halloween and hadn’t been able to go out. Well, apparently the guys in my soldier’s tent had gotten about 75 lbs of candy for Christmas from various organizations back home who wanted to be extra nice to the troops at the holidays.

Seventy five pounds. Five guys in the tent. That’s a lotta candy. So they sent a care package to my daughter consisting of four pounds of candy and a stuffed camel. The box is deeper than it looks in that pic, by the way. It was very unexpected, and so nice!

I’m going to have to hide the box, though. My daughter has already burned through at least five lollipops since yesterday afternoon.

I’m just really impressed with the thoughtfulness of these guys, to take the time and money to pack and ship a big box of candy to a five-year-old girl they’ve never met. It really reaffirms my faith in the basic goodness of people.

Categories: Emily, Family, Fun, Mail Fun Tags: , ,