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Geekiest. Charts. Ever.

Yesterday my daughter and I were poking around outside, and found some pillbugs. She picked one up and took it to the front door and said, “It can live with me!” So we brought it in and put it in her little bug habitat.

She’s done this with pillbugs before. The part that cracks me up is that she named her pillbug “Cat.”

“Cat” was joined by several more pillbugs, one of which she forcefully tried to unroll, and then handed the two halves to me and said, “this one’s broken.” She knows not to do that now. I’m about to go set the survivors free. She’s been talking about wanting a puppy (note, she would hate this in real life) or a hermit crab and maybe a fish. Given the hazards of being one of her pets, I think we’ll stick with the pillbugs for now.

Going to get my hair cut today. It’s doing that floopy wings thing that it does on the sides when I let it go too long.

I’m ahead on Jayne orders. In other words, I do have hats in the queue, but I’m getting them out quicker than the estimated time I gave to the clients. I’m going to pause, though, and knit something else so I don’t go crazy, so it’ll probably go back to “right on time” in the next few days. Knitting time will slow down after school’s out on Friday, anyway, and then the hubby’s out of town next week. Bleah.

Hats up next for Oregon, Australia, and Charlotte!

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  1. June 7th, 2006 at 12:23 | #1

    Oh wow, those really ARE nerdy. You know what I really want? I want to get gloves, fingerless, with L and R on the back of the hands. I don’t know why but that seems incredibly appealing to me.

  2. June 7th, 2006 at 12:23 | #2

    Oh wow, those really ARE nerdy. You know what I really want? I want to get gloves, fingerless, with L and R on the back of the hands. I don’t know why but that seems incredibly appealing to me.

  3. June 7th, 2006 at 12:41 | #3

    Heh. You need these but in adult sizes. And then you need to make your next boyfriend wear one while you wear the other.

    What? You’d definitely turn heads!

  4. June 7th, 2006 at 12:41 | #4

    Heh. You need these but in adult sizes. And then you need to make your next boyfriend wear one while you wear the other.

    What? You’d definitely turn heads!

  5. June 7th, 2006 at 12:57 | #5

    You know what? I should just make it now and then carry it with me so the moment somebody says “Yes,” when I ask them out, I can whip it out and say, “Good. Put this on.”

  6. June 7th, 2006 at 12:57 | #6

    You know what? I should just make it now and then carry it with me so the moment somebody says “Yes,” when I ask them out, I can whip it out and say, “Good. Put this on.”

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