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Baby knit madness

Thanks for all the input, I’m still keeping tabs on what people are saying. Everybody does seem to love the dinosaur hat. I had a teenager in Illinois order one for himself, in fact. I packaged it up with a couple of little toy dinosaurs for him.

It seems that the first thing everybody, large or small, does when they get the hat is to put it on and start roaring and pretending to destroy things. Godzillaaaaaaa!

The strawberry hat is pretty cute, and is knit in cotton, so that could be a good warm-weather topper.

For this, , I’ve got two skeins of the wool/angora, Lorna’s Laces Angel, already on hand. That’d be just enough to make hat and booties.

I’m also contemplating now knitting a black baby sweater and putting a skull and crossbones on it. I’m in that kind of mood. Arr! You’ll never get your scurvy hands on my pirate baby booty!

My hair has calmed down some, but it still looks like a cut I had in ninth grade. Today I see the new haircut lady. This could be either be very good or very, very bad. But, as is my way, I’m keeping a happy thought.

My wrist is getting me a little bit today, but I soldier on with the knitting, as I am slipping behind. Got to get back ahead of the curve! Time and Tim-Tam guy’s hat wait for no one!

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  1. March 22nd, 2006 at 14:00 | #1

    TimTam guy has in fact been waiting, but is OK with it based on the reward for doing so! You are allowed to get a sore wrist AFTER my hat, haha.

    Also, how much would a dinohat be for an adult size? You know what my sizing is from the Jayne hat. Also, I am talking cost in dollars, not TimTams.. It would possibly be a faux pas to pay that way twice.

  2. March 22nd, 2006 at 14:00 | #2

    TimTam guy has in fact been waiting, but is OK with it based on the reward for doing so! You are allowed to get a sore wrist AFTER my hat, haha.

    Also, how much would a dinohat be for an adult size? You know what my sizing is from the Jayne hat. Also, I am talking cost in dollars, not TimTams.. It would possibly be a faux pas to pay that way twice.

  3. March 23rd, 2006 at 03:30 | #3

    $35 including US shipping, so for you on the other side of the world, more like $40. Your choice of with ties or without, whatever colors you like. As far as payment, I’d be willing to work out another swap, or not. I’m easy.

  4. March 23rd, 2006 at 03:30 | #4

    $35 including US shipping, so for you on the other side of the world, more like $40. Your choice of with ties or without, whatever colors you like. As far as payment, I’d be willing to work out another swap, or not. I’m easy.

  5. March 23rd, 2006 at 05:26 | #5

    “I’m easily bargained with in regards to these things” is what you meant, I think. With a hip, trendy new haircut like that, you don’t want to give the wrong idea 😛

  6. March 23rd, 2006 at 05:26 | #6

    “I’m easily bargained with in regards to these things” is what you meant, I think. With a hip, trendy new haircut like that, you don’t want to give the wrong idea 😛

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