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December 15th, 2005 Leave a comment Go to comments

The Arizona Republic’s gift guide is out, and I don’t see the Jayne hat. It could be that they ran out of space, or it wasn’t mainstream enough, or that it’s just in the print version but not the online one. I’ve put out a call for some Arizona Browncoats to take a peek at the physical newspaper and see if it’s there.

That’s disappointing, but it’s not as if I could have handled extra Christmas business. On the up side, everyone whom I’ve promised a hat to by Christmas has either gotten or is going to get their hat in the next few days, so that’s some pressure off. Now on to the people whom I told, “you *might* get it by Christmas, but I can’t promise it.”

Rented and saw The 40 Year Old Virgin last night. It was the unrated version, and holy moly, if I put a nickel in the swear jar every time someone cursed, then by the time the movie was over I would have had enough to actually purchase the DVD. Steve Carrell was brilliant as always. Fun movie, we enjoyed it. And speaking as a woman who has waxed, I enjoyed my husband’s astonishment at watching Steve get his chest waxed. Yeah, see? Not so easy, is it, mister!

Winter weather today, icicles on the car and ickiness all around. I won’t be going anywhere this morning if I can help it. I’m enjoying knitting, though, and also putting lots of juicy rumors and visions in to DR. If ever there were a time to be using those systems, it’s now, with all the events going on. With all the ice, let’s hope the power holds out.

Today I think I’ll make hot cocoa and have a Tim Tam Slam through my lone remaining Tim Tam. Godspeed, little camper!

Next up, get a sitter to come over so we can go see King Kong!

ETA: It’s in the print version! A customer has offered to mail me a copy! Woo hoo!

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  1. December 15th, 2005 at 15:07 | #1

    Useless trivia: The chest-waxing scene was real, in the sense that they had one crack at it, multiple cameras, and Carell’s chest offered up for ritual sacrifice. You can kinda tell the tech’s totally losing it.

  2. December 15th, 2005 at 15:07 | #2

    Useless trivia: The chest-waxing scene was real, in the sense that they had one crack at it, multiple cameras, and Carell’s chest offered up for ritual sacrifice. You can kinda tell the tech’s totally losing it.

  3. December 15th, 2005 at 17:13 | #3

    Is the Republic really that mainstream? I mean, I know in this case, its a gift guide, but I’ve also noticed a lot of people reference it from. I think its kinda funny, considering in AZ, most of us complain about the quality of the papers we have access to. hee.

  4. December 15th, 2005 at 17:13 | #4

    Is the Republic really that mainstream? I mean, I know in this case, its a gift guide, but I’ve also noticed a lot of people reference it from. I think its kinda funny, considering in AZ, most of us complain about the quality of the papers we have access to. hee.

  5. December 15th, 2005 at 17:40 | #5

    Beats the heck out of me. I’ve never actually seen a copy of it. If you’re in AZ and happen to run across one today, let me know if you see an ugly-ass hat in there. 🙂

  6. December 15th, 2005 at 17:40 | #6

    Beats the heck out of me. I’ve never actually seen a copy of it. If you’re in AZ and happen to run across one today, let me know if you see an ugly-ass hat in there. 🙂

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