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Crafty goodness

September 3rd, 2005 Leave a comment Go to comments

The hat that nobody picked as their fave? It’s getting double the looks of the other two items on Etsy’s CraftRevolution shop for Katrina victims. Either people can’t stop looking, rubberneck car-wreck style, or crafty folks have a different take. Go figger. We’ll see what sells first.

I’m thinking of making a rainbowy loopy scarf to go up there, too. A scarf to put the Crazy Hat to shame! (Safety note: Please do not look directly at Crazy Hat.) Many thanks to for being a good sport about my continued use of an outdated image of him.

Sharp-eyed viewers may note that leftover yarn from the Crazy Hat is used in the center of the carousel hat. It’s hand dyed Colinette Point Five, which apparently has magical powers that compel people to watch! Look away… if you DARE!

Donations to the wearwithstyle Donors Choose contest are into three figures. I may dig into my stash and see what other primo goodies I can find.

Using a dremel tool, a length of 1/2″ PVC pipe, and free instructions from doctordirt.com, I have created a PVC niddy noddy. The pipe was only sold in 10 foot lengths, so I’ve got a lot left over. I also bought a few extra T-joints so that I can make more if need be. This was an exceptionally cheap project.

A niddy noddy is a tool for measuring yarn. Spinners also use them to create neat skeins, which is also useful for dyeing. One wrap around this niddy noddy covers exactly 7 feet. I’m using it to measure out how much yarn it takes to create the individual sections of a Jayne hat, so that I can get a standardized measurement for potential kits.

In a rare moment of grown-up fun, I went out tonight to a lovely party hosted by a friend of mine, for another friend who was in town after a long absence. It was great to see him again, someone whom I remembered from the days when I was an Addy award-winning TV producer and could carry on a conversation which did not involve Disney princesses. I must do it more often.

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