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DR Invasions.

[Hahtinzi] I’m here with (player) on the Acacia Flower ship. Apparently, he is Navy and taking his crew out and wanted to see if it was possible to get a pirate ship to play with.
[Hahtinzi] Just a request, of course.
[Tvini] “Aww! That’s really nice of him to do!”
[Tvini] “I know I can’t accommodate him, and I’m not sure anybody else can tonight either – but that’s really thoughtful of him.”
[Hahtinzi] I know. 🙂 Although he was very quick to mention he didn’t want a whole fleet! Hee!
[Tvini] “heh. The temptation to put just one ship’s rat in there is almost overwhelming. ;)”
[Hahtinzi] Oooh, do it! :giggles:
[GM in training] Hee. That would be really sweet and nice of you Tvini
[Tvini] I’m not sure I even remember how to put a pirate ship out there.
[Tvini] Well, I can give ’em rats, at least.
[Chakram] Aw rats?
[Tvini] “Hahtinzi, we were able to do a little somethin’ for (player’s) crew. :)”
[Belcaesar] Yipee!
[Hahtinzi] ooooh, thanks Tvini! :beams:

(I drop some rats and crabs, and then GM Xadrian comes in and takes over for the pirate portion of the evening. After he gets involved, the body count climbs instantly.)

[Tvini] Damn, Xadrian, you’re bloodthirsty!
[Nhia] Isn’t he great? 🙂
[Chakram] What’re ya’ll doing?
[Tvini] Oh, you know. Killin’. Terrorizin’. The usual.
[Chakram] Awww and I’m missing it?
[Tvini] Heh. Fortunately, they’re not too far from port.
[Tribanin] Evening everyone
[Tvini] Aw, poor (player). He’s trying to get people to help, and people are just sitting there.
[Tribanin] What’s he trying to do?
[Nhia] His naval ship is being invaded by rats/crabs/spectral pirates, and he’s trying to rally for help.
[Tribanin] Hrmm – so first that ship has an open house which allowed known traitors on board – without asking the prince, and now they’re letting it be invaded.
[Tvini] Aaaaand your point?
[Tribanin]Vorclaf’s navy sucks
[Tvini] Hahahaaaaaa!

The players did, of course, wind up making a great stand and doing wonderfully. The final result was a crapload of rats, crabs, spectral pirates and skeletal sailors, taking over the ship and spilling into Arthe Dale and down the NTR. Suggestions were made among the GMs that we steal the ship and plunge Zoluren into civil war. Then we mulled over what else to invade with, leading to a discussion of possible new water-based creatures:

[Chakram] We need some good water based critters.
[Vaeldriil] Sea serpents?
[Chakram] Of course.
[Vaeldriil] Giant squid?
[Chakram] Ones that can function properly on land.
[Vaeldriil] Oh.
[Tribanin] I have the sea serpent I wrote for ice quest, but it won’t work out of that area
[Vaeldriil] Um.
[Nhia] Water sprites?
[Iayn] Amphibious Octopi?
[GM in training] Water sprites could work.
[Vaeldriil] Giant mudskippers?
[GM in training] wet muskrats?
[Tribanin] Swamp Trolls?
[Alvy] attacking baby seals complete with lil clubs?
[Vaeldriil] ::sings “Muskrat Love”…::
[GM in training] sea otters?
[Chakram] I vote for Alvy’s idea.
[Alvy] revenge of the baby seals!
[Chakram] They’d come back undead?
[Vaeldriil] undead baby seals?
[Xadrian] Wow, that would be cool.
[Alvy] those would be great critters
[Vaeldriil] Automatic bonus if you use a blessed club.
[Vaeldriil] Or maybe not. Maybe those would just really tick them off.

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  1. June 10th, 2005 at 23:56 | #1

    ::falls over laughing::

    Ahhh … thank you so much for sharing that!

    ::snickers some more::

  2. June 10th, 2005 at 23:56 | #2

    ::falls over laughing::

    Ahhh … thank you so much for sharing that!

    ::snickers some more::

  3. June 11th, 2005 at 03:39 | #3

    Ohhh! That’s why I saw a dead giant salt crab near the bank!

    I was cooped up somewhere out of the way, training my brains out without a gweth. 🙂 Good thing I didn’t wander off to Arthe Dale for training like I often do or my tiny little character would have been roadkill on the NTR.

    Spectral pirates. Yikes.

  4. June 11th, 2005 at 03:39 | #4

    Ohhh! That’s why I saw a dead giant salt crab near the bank!

    I was cooped up somewhere out of the way, training my brains out without a gweth. 🙂 Good thing I didn’t wander off to Arthe Dale for training like I often do or my tiny little character would have been roadkill on the NTR.

    Spectral pirates. Yikes.

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