The good news: a friend of mine, who had tried very hard to become pregnant, and who eventually became pregnant on her own WITHOUT all the heroic measures they’d pursued, delivered a healthy baby girl today.

The not so good news: the doctors believe the baby probably has Downs Syndrome.

I am thrilled because these very deserving people had a baby, but my heart is breaking for them nonetheless. We’re all very sad for them right now. Their joy is tempered with uncertainty.

If you’re the praying kind, say a little one for them. If the clinicians’ suspicions are right, they’ll have a much harder life than they thought they would.

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  1. October 6th, 2004 at 17:09 | #1

    Damn it, why don’t good people always get their joy alone, not diluted or obstructed by something else?

    I’m the praying kind, and they’ll be in my thoughts.


  2. October 6th, 2004 at 17:09 | #2

    Damn it, why don’t good people always get their joy alone, not diluted or obstructed by something else?

    I’m the praying kind, and they’ll be in my thoughts.


  3. October 6th, 2004 at 19:31 | #3

    They’ll be in my thoughts too.

  4. October 6th, 2004 at 19:31 | #4

    They’ll be in my thoughts too.

  5. October 6th, 2004 at 21:38 | #5

    Sometimes the greatest blessings lie nestled in life’s largest challenges. Down Syndrome babies take an awful lot of love and patience to take care of.

    The universe must think this couple is extra special to trust them with her keeping.

  6. October 6th, 2004 at 21:38 | #6

    Sometimes the greatest blessings lie nestled in life’s largest challenges. Down Syndrome babies take an awful lot of love and patience to take care of.

    The universe must think this couple is extra special to trust them with her keeping.

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