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You know, for kids!

hula hoop cu

Ladies and gentlemen, prepare yourselves to behold a spectacle of such flash and glitter that the internet can barely contain its wondrousness!

hula hoop catIt’s… a hula hoop! But not just any hula hoop, no. This is a 42″ (or is it 40″?) diameter adult-sized hula hoop lovingly made from 3/4″ irrigation tubing by the lovely and talented Tammy at Nice Hoops on Etsy.
hula hoop 1
This baby was on my Amazon wishlist. My mother-in-law saw it and said, “Now there’s an item she’s never going to buy for herself.” She was right. It was something I wanted, but in all likelihood I’d keep looking at it and think of all the practical things that money could purchase instead. It was a very thoughtful Christmas gift.

When I was a kid, I could keep a hoop going for hours. Once in day care we had a field day, a little mini Olympics for the kids, in competitions like bubble gum blowing and relay racing. Another little girl and I kept our hoops going far longer than anyone else. Finally the adults got tired of waiting for one of us to drop so they declared the hula hoop competition a first place tie.

As an adult, I’ve tried spinning Em’s hoop, but my body’s changed a little since I was 10 years old. I could never keep her hoop going. There’s a lot less empty space and a lot more me inside a kid-sized hoop these days. I wondered, was it just that I’d lost the motion, or would a hoop sized to my current more robust frame do the trick?

When I got the hoop I literally squealed and jumped up and down like a kid at Christmas. I took it outside to give it a whirl and the motion came back very naturally, like riding a bicycle. If you’ll pardon the turn of phrase, since it’s big and thick, I can keep it up as long as I want. It’s all in the hips.

We strapped it to my husband’s bike rack and drove it back home, which I’m sure was a sight for all the other drivers on the road. It made the trip just fine. This is one sturdy hoop!

I am having such fun with this. What a nifty gift. Many, many thanks to my husband’s wonderful family. I’m so lucky to have such neat people in my life.

hula hoop 2

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  1. January 5th, 2010 at 15:22 | #1

    What a fun gift!

    I love the image where you can see the movement and the hula hoop almost looks like a skirt!

  2. January 5th, 2010 at 17:11 | #2


  3. January 5th, 2010 at 17:56 | #3

    Too fun!

  4. January 5th, 2010 at 18:13 | #4

    LOVE it! Wonderful gift!

  5. January 5th, 2010 at 18:14 | #5

    I have another where it goes all the way around. It’s a hoop skirt!

  6. January 5th, 2010 at 23:07 | #6

    I have one of her hoops! They are AWESOMELY well made, although I’m still struggling with getting mine to stay up.

  7. January 6th, 2010 at 01:50 | #7

    Two questions:

    1) How in hell did they ship it?
    2) How did you get an etsy item on your amazon wishlist?

  8. January 6th, 2010 at 02:07 | #8

    1) I have no idea! They shipped it direct to my in-laws. My mother-in-law said she just couldn’t help herself, she had to unwrap it and look at it, so it was hidden behind a chair and unbelievably, I didn’t notice it sticking out on both sides. I believe the seller does say that if it’s going to be a surprise she can hold onto it until the last minute, because it’s kind of a giveaway as to what’s inside.

    2) There’s a browser button for adding anything to your wishlist! It really opened up what I put on there. http://www.amazon.com/wishlist/get-button

  9. January 6th, 2010 at 02:22 | #9

    That’s so awesome! Neat trick!

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