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Originally uploaded by emisanboo

Em was brushing her teeth yesterday evening and looked out the window.


She was so excited. We went out and caught them in our hands, and then got a mason jar. We both poked some holds in the lid with a screwdriver. Em wanted to catch ten, but they kept trying to crawl out of the jar when the lid was opened, so I suggested we just catch three. We settled on four.

Em brought them in and went into her closet and closed the door. The fireflies didn’t want to light up. We opened a window and set them free. We’ll try again tonight, weather permitting, and maybe put a little grass in the bottom of the jar to make them feel more at home.

I told Em how my mother’s birthday is in June, and she always used to look at the fireflies as a happy sign that her birthday was coming.

It was a pleasant evening during a time when things haven’t been going so great for Em. Let’s hope it’s a corner turned.

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  1. June 11th, 2009 at 17:26 | #1

    I wish we had fireflies out here 🙁

    lucky lucky you!

  2. June 11th, 2009 at 17:26 | #2

    I wish we had fireflies out here 🙁

    lucky lucky you!

  3. June 11th, 2009 at 18:04 | #3

    Emily is growing up to be a beautiful girl! Poor Heather, you’re going to have to purchase a shotgun to keep the boys away when she’s in high school!!!

    Tell Emily that when I was about her age, my Dad told me that fireflies were fairies in disguise. And that if we caught any, they would be mad at us and never come around the house again.

    I miss fireflies. I haven’t seen any up in Alaska yet.

  4. June 11th, 2009 at 18:04 | #4

    Emily is growing up to be a beautiful girl! Poor Heather, you’re going to have to purchase a shotgun to keep the boys away when she’s in high school!!!

    Tell Emily that when I was about her age, my Dad told me that fireflies were fairies in disguise. And that if we caught any, they would be mad at us and never come around the house again.

    I miss fireflies. I haven’t seen any up in Alaska yet.

  5. June 12th, 2009 at 16:54 | #5

    Such wonderful childhood memories are stirred at just the mention of fireflies. We would run around and catch them in our hands, and then let them go. After a while we would end up lying on our backs in a circle staring up at the stars and the fireflies buzzing around between us and the sky.

  6. June 12th, 2009 at 16:54 | #6

    Such wonderful childhood memories are stirred at just the mention of fireflies. We would run around and catch them in our hands, and then let them go. After a while we would end up lying on our backs in a circle staring up at the stars and the fireflies buzzing around between us and the sky.

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