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Avalanche of Awesomeness:

I’m sure I’ve posted before about the kindness of . But the thing is, we’re not talking about one isolated incidence of kindness, no, she just keeps going and going. has a heart as big as Texas. No surprise, since that’s the state she calls home.

Why do I bring this up? She sent not one but TWO care packages to us. One for my daughter and one for me. First, let’s check out Em’s. She’s remembered Em’s love of space and sent a sticker book (ALWAYS a good choice) and another book on the subject. Also, a bendy toy that is adorable. Topping it off we have a variety of Texan treats. Austinuts cinnamon pecans, Cowtown cookies and Texas Chewie pralines. Mmmmm!

Now let’s check out my package! Holy frijoles!
First of all, note that has wisely included snacks with my package as well. This is good, as otherwise there was a very real chance that I would steal my daughter’s. Altruism only goes so far, you know.

There are several other me-specific items such as a fridge magnet reading, I dreamed my whole house was clean…” Heh. She knows me.

And check it out. I got yarn! Sock yarn! It’s Plymouth Happy Feet, which I didn’t even know existed. I’m very excited to have a new brand of sock yarn to play with. AND she got me needles appropriate to the yarn. The ball band calls for size 2, but she got size 1, which is perfect because I am a loose knitter, as I have said many times on this blog. Is that thoughtful or what?

, as usual I am blown away by your generosity of spirit. I count myself lucky to know you. Thank you. I owe you more legwarmers!

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  1. May 12th, 2009 at 01:38 | #1

    ::huge delighted grin:: I’m so glad you like the gifties!! The colors of the sock yarn made me think of you and the lady at the specialty yarn shop that has opened up near my house (hint for Tvini visit! ::wink::) said everyone had really been enjoying that brand of yarn. There was a group of happy ladies sitting in the middle of the store knitting and talking when I walked in … and I very much thought of you.

    The neat thing that I loved about the book is it is designed for you and Em to read it together. With each page turn there is a page for you to read and a page for her to read on the same topic. I thought it was a great concept and will be buying more of them for us when Sylvia gets old enough!

    I just thought it was about time you got some unexpected love … seeing as how often you are the giver of such! ::smooches::

  2. May 12th, 2009 at 01:38 | #2

    ::huge delighted grin:: I’m so glad you like the gifties!! The colors of the sock yarn made me think of you and the lady at the specialty yarn shop that has opened up near my house (hint for Tvini visit! ::wink::) said everyone had really been enjoying that brand of yarn. There was a group of happy ladies sitting in the middle of the store knitting and talking when I walked in … and I very much thought of you.

    The neat thing that I loved about the book is it is designed for you and Em to read it together. With each page turn there is a page for you to read and a page for her to read on the same topic. I thought it was a great concept and will be buying more of them for us when Sylvia gets old enough!

    I just thought it was about time you got some unexpected love … seeing as how often you are the giver of such! ::smooches::

  3. May 12th, 2009 at 01:42 | #3

    I cannot believe that I spelled your username wrong every single time. Fixed!

  4. May 12th, 2009 at 01:42 | #4

    I cannot believe that I spelled your username wrong every single time. Fixed!

  5. May 12th, 2009 at 19:33 | #5

    Ohh WOWZA Heather! You got Cowtown cookies?! I sure miss those! I grew up in Texas, as well. I also miss sweets from the little german candy shop in New Braunsfels. Ohh man, try not to eat the Cowtown cookies in one sitting, okay? And when you eat ONE…think of me so that in a weird cosmic way I too, can share in the delight! LOL

  6. May 12th, 2009 at 19:33 | #6

    Ohh WOWZA Heather! You got Cowtown cookies?! I sure miss those! I grew up in Texas, as well. I also miss sweets from the little german candy shop in New Braunsfels. Ohh man, try not to eat the Cowtown cookies in one sitting, okay? And when you eat ONE…think of me so that in a weird cosmic way I too, can share in the delight! LOL

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