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Good day.

The local knitting guild is renting a bus to go to Stitches South, and my good friend Illiane (of emergency knitting kit fame) is going. She doesn’t know it yet, but I’m going to serenade her all the way there with “99 bobbins of wool on the wall.” Wait, Illiane, I kid! Where are you going?

My daughter got back her report card, which has four A’s and one B. It is very gratifying to see that all her hard work, and the metric ton of money that we’ve shoveled into the furnace for tutoring, has paid off.

I finally did our taxes, and we’re getting a nice refund from Uncle Sam. Ice cream’s on me!

My husband and daughter are out of town this weekend. As much as I love them, I will enjoy having the freedom to slide around the house in my socks, Risky Business style.

It’s an absolutely beautiful day outside. The birds are singing, the flowers are blooming, and I’m going to get out in it later and stretch my legs and feel thankful.

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  1. April 3rd, 2009 at 19:42 | #1

    Just Take that old time Rock n Roll……

    I need music that fuels the soul! Today’s music ain’t got the same soul! I need that old time rock n roll! WOOOOO! LOL

    Tell Emily congrats on a great report card! It’s hard to get good grades no matter WHAT grade you’re in. So kudos to her!

    How awesome that you got a tax refund! Enjoy the triple scoop waffle cone! LOL

    And while you’re dancing about in your underwear and singing in your socks, don’t forget to wax the floors so you slide easier. Nothing ruins a good “Risky Business” slide into an opening song than a non waxed floor! LOL

  2. April 3rd, 2009 at 19:42 | #2

    Just Take that old time Rock n Roll……

    I need music that fuels the soul! Today’s music ain’t got the same soul! I need that old time rock n roll! WOOOOO! LOL

    Tell Emily congrats on a great report card! It’s hard to get good grades no matter WHAT grade you’re in. So kudos to her!

    How awesome that you got a tax refund! Enjoy the triple scoop waffle cone! LOL

    And while you’re dancing about in your underwear and singing in your socks, don’t forget to wax the floors so you slide easier. Nothing ruins a good “Risky Business” slide into an opening song than a non waxed floor! LOL

  3. April 3rd, 2009 at 21:44 | #3

    Do they really give As and Bs in grade school? We always were graded with numbers. I like the letter system better. No picking nits when comparing with your arch rival. =P Congrats to Emily on a great report card!

  4. April 3rd, 2009 at 21:44 | #4

    Do they really give As and Bs in grade school? We always were graded with numbers. I like the letter system better. No picking nits when comparing with your arch rival. =P Congrats to Emily on a great report card!

  5. April 3rd, 2009 at 22:12 | #5

    They gave numbers up until this year. She’s in the big leagues now!

  6. April 3rd, 2009 at 22:12 | #6

    They gave numbers up until this year. She’s in the big leagues now!

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