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Internet: 3 Tvini: 0

February 26th, 2009 Leave a comment Go to comments

Did one of you sign me up for a “bears” mailing list? And by bears I don’t mean grizzlies, I mean large hairy men.

I’ve been getting them once a month for several months and I’ve been afraid to de-subscribe up to now because I don’t want them to know it’s an actual valid e-mail address, but it’s coming with such regularity that I think maybe they really do think I’m interested.

I’ll say this – it’s a heck of a thing to see in your mailbox before morning coffee.

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  1. February 26th, 2009 at 14:01 | #1

    Can’t say it was me…

    however, I had been on someone’s Office Water Delivery Calling Service for about a year. It was an automated call I’d get once a month reminding me to put “my” empty water containers out to be collected. I finally broke down and called and asked them to correct the situation.

  2. February 26th, 2009 at 14:01 | #2

    Can’t say it was me…

    however, I had been on someone’s Office Water Delivery Calling Service for about a year. It was an automated call I’d get once a month reminding me to put “my” empty water containers out to be collected. I finally broke down and called and asked them to correct the situation.

  3. Anonymous
    February 26th, 2009 at 17:48 | #3

    Lions and Tiger adn Bears, Oh My!

    Hiya! It’s moi, Wendy. I’ve been getting weird stuff in my email as well. One of my computer fanatic friends says its aggressive SPAM and that if you look closely at the “TO” box, you should see other email names similar to yours. If you don’t then you’re still on an automated list (made to look legit). The simplest thing IS to mark it as junk mail and or phishing on your email server so it won’t show up again.

    Hey, at least you’re getting MEN, I keep getting “Hot Women who likes Camels”. Now tell me, why would I be interested in THAT?! I’m not Jayne! Sheesh.

  4. Anonymous
    February 26th, 2009 at 17:48 | #4

    Lions and Tiger adn Bears, Oh My!

    Hiya! It’s moi, Wendy. I’ve been getting weird stuff in my email as well. One of my computer fanatic friends says its aggressive SPAM and that if you look closely at the “TO” box, you should see other email names similar to yours. If you don’t then you’re still on an automated list (made to look legit). The simplest thing IS to mark it as junk mail and or phishing on your email server so it won’t show up again.

    Hey, at least you’re getting MEN, I keep getting “Hot Women who likes Camels”. Now tell me, why would I be interested in THAT?! I’m not Jayne! Sheesh.

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