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Poor kid.

February 5th, 2009 Leave a comment Go to comments

Em’s school is doing testing this week. She climbed into the car after school today and we had this conversation.

Em: “I did not do good on my writing test today. I could not think of a time when I was surprised.”
Me: “Oh, is that what you had to write about?”
Em: “Yes. I couldn’t think of a time.”
Me: “Did you try your best?”
Em: “No.”
Me: “Did you try some?”
Em: “Yes.”
Me: “Do you think you can try harder next time?”
Em: “Yes.”
Me: “Well, I’m disappointed to hear that you didn’t try your best. But I’m glad to hear that you’ll try harder next time.”
Em: “I will.”
Em: “I do not want to stay in fourth grade next year.”

And that’s when my heart just broke. Poor kid. I’ve put in a note asking her teacher what happened, but my guess is that she got flustered and upset when asked to come up with a specific incident to write about. We try so hard to keep things on an even keel around here, since changes in plan throw her for a loop, that she very well may not have been able to think of a time when she was surprised. She doesn’t do well writing about things from her own life anyway.

She’s learning the material as best she can – her last two report cards have been two C’s, two B’s and an A – but the standardized testing just kills her. Stupid end-of-grade exams. I’m glad we have understanding teachers who look at the whole picture when making their decisions. If we didn’t have such a good team, we’d be sunk.

Edited to add: Em’s teacher says, “We did have a pilot writing test today. (Her special area teacher) said that she did have a problem doing the test. There were some tears shed and she seemed really frustrated. This will not affect her going to the next grade and I’m not sure why she got that idea. You will be happy to hear that we just got her Formative testing scores (Reading, Math) and Emily went up in both subjects.”

Em’s school is participating in a national program of baseline testing to see where America’s kids are. Apparently that was the testing from today.

Em, meanwhile, now maintains that she will not be going to the next grade. It’s just like when we went to the Christmas program and she told herself that she wasn’t going to win. Like her stunning good looks, she gets that Eeyore disposition from her father.

I will be continuing to reassure her that she’s doing just fine, and that if she continues her hard work, she should move on up. I’ll also be making cookies, because cookies make everything better.

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  1. February 5th, 2009 at 20:28 | #1

    Oh, honey!

    (As a side note, all I can think of is poor druggy David wailing, “Is this forev-vurr???”

  2. February 5th, 2009 at 20:28 | #2

    Oh, honey!

    (As a side note, all I can think of is poor druggy David wailing, “Is this forev-vurr???”

  3. February 5th, 2009 at 21:15 | #3

    That video cracked me up.

  4. February 5th, 2009 at 21:15 | #4

    That video cracked me up.

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